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2000-11-23 - 04:17:04

today was neat. i went to math class for the first time this week, and it was the last class of the week, so... yeah, was kinda weird. and then, i sat down. im looking around... "miss, did we change seats?"

"yes we did ryan."

"yeah... i thought so. none of the people looked familiar."


in rotc, i dusted the room with a feather duster. twas very dusty. stupid dirt track p.o.s. and the freakin fire alarm went off. made me get dirty on the freakin field. stupid p.o.s. field.


english... emily dikinson is a very moody writer.


peer ed. i got to bitch and vent and make fun of that fat stupid freshmen, jennifer lovell. i hate her... shes on my atomic shit list as well as my shit list. everyone in per. 4 thought i was funny on how i was saying how stupid she is. kristin kato kept commenting on how funny i am when i get angry about stupid people.


lunch time, i saw her in teruya's room, she walked in there accidentally and i flicked her off when she left. teruya just commented on how i have to be nicer to people, and dudoit made a comment on how she has to see her every 6th period. poor mrs. d.


psychology. me and janie were talking the whole time instead of really doing our work, we got some of it done, but not a lot... we also wrote on eachothers hands.


physics. i got 2 pts. taken away cause i was caught sleeping in class. dammit.


somewhere in the school day this chick who aint to bad smiled and waved at me so i smiled and waved back. right on okuno! oh shut up okuno...


i spent from 9-about 1130 talking to dane about all sorts of things. it was fun. he came to my house to get some shoe polish and then we just started to talk story. it was good fun.

Previously on - Currentlier

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