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2000-11-27 - 02:09:05

im sore today. i dont know why either. so i put one of those balm things on my sore spots. it feels good, but it made my eye's tear.

i really dont like titanic. neither does leo. we both agree that kate winslet's character is a whore or something. shes like an adultering bitch. i mean, sure the guy may have been an ass hole, but she was his fiance. i mean, sure arranged marriges are stupid, but i dont mind them. last year in english, me and jevon agreed that thats the only way we're ever gonna get married so we're all for them. and not to mention, that the bitch lied to jack. she did let go. and then, she also threw the stone back in the water. what the fuck? y'know?

whoo-hoo! we finally have a president... i think. i dont want gore to ask for a re-count... again, but i think its necessary for his political carrer. if he doesnt ask for it, then people will think that hes a puce and accepts defeat too easily. its more of a move for his political carrer than against bush if you ask me. i see the logic behind it. i wont blame him when he does ask for it either. and bush made a good decision asking him not to hold it even if he knew that it was gonna happen anyway. he's drawing a little bit more support for himself. politics. i think im beginning to understand them better. its funny cause in this book that i have that talks about names, it says that i could be a political organizer.

on the subject of names, its funny cause in erin's it says that she could be a politician. so i told her way back that i could be her political organizer and she could be the politician. i would be running the show while she does the politiking. on the other hand... i told jenna that i'd be her voice which would make me the politician. im my own contradiction. my song should be "walking contradiction" by green day. thats cool. im a song by a cool band! beat that blair! i am punk! you just wanna be punk!

i spent all day doing homework. and my dad's working on the computer we stole in my room so i dont really have a room. dammitall.

oh, and i also got a call from a school phone number. 587-4610. it was at 2:30. but i didnt hear it cause my phones broke.

speaking of my broke phone. i called voicestream yesterday and told them of my problem. so they're gonna send me a new hand piece while they look at my broken phone. so i sorta get a new phone, but i keep the old sim card and charger. lucky me, eh?

i still gotta figure out my community service thing. dammit. i have some ideas, but i dont know if they'll work. shit. i dont wanna do some of her reccomended ideas cause they suck. oh well, i'll figure something out later.

i just remembered something. i dont remember what background i got with shannon. thats funny, i remembered something i dont remember. well, not ha ha funny, but peculiar funny. dont mind me, i've been in doors all day long. the lack of sun is affecting me. okay, i go now. peaches.

Previously on - Currentlier

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