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2000-11-30 - 01:56:37

whew... maybe there is a god? well, i dont know. but something really went my way today! (for once)

i am saved! janie cant go to the mistletoe ball anymore. man... you shoulda seen look of salvation that washed over me. i was so... so... i dont know the word, but it was just so damn good to know that.

i feel at calm again.

and then something else pops into my head... freaking heather fukuhara is going out with rodney again. its really eatting away at all of us who are his friends. we really dont like her cause of the way she treats him. she really fucks with his emotions. it just makes me want to kick something. by someTHING i am refering to her. none of us can really do or say anything cause he's gone out with her so many times that its probably beyond our help. we all know he probably does think he loves her, but she doesnt love him. we all know it. she can never love with that black heart of her. all she does is suck the boys emotions and she just sucks them all up for herself. all she wants to do is take and not give back. as soon as shes fulfilled her lust of emotion, she dumps them back. shes like a vampire. all she wants is to take what she needs, when she needs it. we all hate her for that.

but, once again, on the positive note. i worked with my special partner today. it was quite a good experience. i worked with one of them, jackie. and something she said that was kinda disturbing, but at the same time, very refreshing was that she said i look cute with my bald head. its not that i liked the bald head comment, but it was the fact that someone was so open with their emotions. unlike us "normal" people, who lock up our emotions and are not as readily willing to let them out, they are very open and express how the feel. it was a nice break to see them and see how free and un-oppressed they are by what is considered the socially acceptable level of expression. it was good.

i am also contemplating putting up my observational essay for you guys. i mean, since i told you that i wrote it on her, i think it'd be kinda fun to put it up for all to see. and i might be able to get some feed back from you guys too. so... yeah...

well, im outta shit to say, so... peaches.

Previously on - Currentlier

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