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2000-12-01 - 01:58:14

if you havent read my entry from earlier today, go ahead and read. it holds a VERY IMPORTANT EVENT of the day. i felt it should get its own entry cause it was a big thing for me today.

well, today started off like no other day i have ever encountered. the graffitti on the wall incident. i swear to god, it put a smile on my face. even if it was defacing roosevelt, it was just... just... just so different than the majority of graffitti.

it wasn't just plain old tagging, it was there with a message. "free mumia" it said. or "fuck the police." one of many symbols and the like. it was just different.

i ran to stevenson cause i heard it was all over the place over there. and then i ran back to get my camera. i went to the front of the school and took pictures of the auditorium. i got the pictures there. then i left for stevenson which was hit hard. i used up the rest of a roll of film on it. it was so cool cause all the stevenson kids didnt know what any of that stuff meant. it was a kickback to the innocence of the time. and they all thought i was a cop or FBI too. that was funny. i think it was cause i had my blue jumper on, boots, and a camera taking pictures. i guess i seemed offical to them. he he he... i could've been arrested for that if i had said i was i think. no wait... i couldnt cause i didnt go around with the badge. oh well. no matter. i got my pictures. and i told this guy in my math class that i'd show em to him. and i figure i should pass them around in peer ed too just for the hell of it.

oh, and lastly, im gonna be rolling in school tomorrow. pennies that is. i gotta roll like at least 6 bucks worth tomorrow to get double points. and me and jenna are gonna throw ours in the seniors box just so the freshmen and sophmores dont win.

well, im outta shit to say so peaches.

Previously on - Currentlier

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