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2000-12-02 - 01:18:44

lets see... well, today, i ditched my squad. heh, oh fucking well... i had to do my duties as a class officer. i think that my duties to my class are higher up than my squad.

oh well, too bad about that cause there was only two people in my squad present anyway.

what i did decided to do was go look for kim who was supposed to have my wraps for the pennies. i spent the next 30-45 minutes rolling pennies for the penny war. it was good. we ended up with 107 rolls i think it was. so... lets see... 107x50x2= 10,700 points. plus kyle had another $10.00 which comes out to another 2,000 points, so thats... 12,700. plus jenna had her pennies delivered to her in school. but i dont know the count on that. so we have at least 11,000 points i hope. that is if no one dropped us down anymore with silvers in our bucket. oh well. hope hope hope. hope sucks.

but guess what happened to me on the way back. as i was walking back down to the bleachers from the gym where i had been counting pennies and rolling them, i saw smile/wave girl. :) yeah! well, nothing much happened cause she was talking to someone already, but she did look my way and give me that smile she has. :) yeah! yeah! yeah! (jumps up and down like taka does) she took time out of her convo to look my way and smile! shut the fuck up okuno. fucking faggot shit.

and today, sgt. koki said i "drilled the shit outta them." them reffering to the freshmen in my class. it was fun, but it could've been more fun if i had the guts to ask sgt. koki if i could borrow his campain hat, or smokey the bear hat. the infamous hat of the D.I. or Drill Instructor. better known as a Drill Sergeant. i really wanna be a DI. those guys are cool. i think teaching is my calling, cause i wanna be an rotc instructor. i kind of compare it to maverick at the end of top gun when he tells his squadron commander he wants to teach at top gun. oh well... nm... i just think it'd be cool to wear the Campain Hat and yell at people drill commands like a real Drill Sergeant.

uh... yeah... i went to this sex abuse presentation for peer ed. it was funny cause this one character who was a rapist was really funny and he singled me out during the question phase when he was still "in-character." cause when they asked who thought he wasnt a rapist, i raised my hand cause i felt sorry that he was the only idiot raising his hand. and he kept looking in my direction when he made a comment in his deffense. i just thought he was funny cause he was all wise ass. like really wise ass. which was cool from the two chicks doing their roll. i mean, they were just... just... too girly. the guy on the other hand! ASS HOLE! he he he... im evil.

then we had to go to the assembly. which sucked might i add. i could barely see anything from my vantage point of the extreme front left corner. like that seat at the extreme front left corner. so me and amy had nothing to see. and it doesnt help that amy doesnt really like me, so i didnt have much to talk to anyone about. so i tried to stay concious while the classes performed so they wouldnt beat me up... i think i fell asleep a few times. and then 3+ went up. i heard that they were kinda fat. but dude! the main guy is... lets just say i think i have my own idea why they are called 3+. when they went on, the dimmed and then turned off the lights yah? so i popped in my ear phones and crashed. i mean, i would wake up every once-in-a-while just to make sure i hadnt been left in there all alone, but other than that, i was unconcious. and i had to crank that fucker up to 9 level 3. the highest fucking rating, and i could still hear them playing over the music in my ears. it was even worse when i woke up cause i couldnt hear anything. i mean, i could hear it, i could comprehend some of it. but for the most part, i was deaf. i mean, like really deaf. i had to have people yell and repeat what they said before i got an inkling of what they said. it was that bad.

after that i went to lunch to go drop off matt fung's change for him in the penny war thing, and i also went looking for jenna. so, after her pop dropped off her pennies and she dumped em in and i stole food off of various peoples plates, answered a questionare which i think was for si loi but crystal was doing it, and doing stuff with the pictures from the military ball that dae won gave to me, me and jenna went up to find mr. cordero's room to borrow a 100' tape measure. only thing is, we couldnt find him. so we ended up talking to jevon. that was my lunch. and then, after that, i had physics which ammounted to nothing much except for playing telephone with a small group of people in my class.

after school, i went to sure shot cafe around 6 with my mom. we met with mrs. keopuhiwa and her daughter paige. me and paige talked while my mom and her mom discussed ptsa stuff. then it got interesting with me talking about how i hate shriner, mrs. diaz, the stupid 92 days thing, and all other aspects of school/rotc life. oh well. yep, that was my day. how bout yours? no, i dont really care about yours... unless you wanna hook me up with smile/wave girl. thats a different story. will someone please tell me to shut up about her already?


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