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2000-12-03 - 02:35:51

i did absolutly nothing today. well, thats not the entire truth, but, close enough to it to be true.

well, i woke up late. it was good. i havent been able to do that in a long time. and then, i went to the tv to zone out. then i went to the computer that me and my dad stole and played rainbow six. then i slept. then i did some math hw. that was easy. i think. i hope i can pass this semester. i just need a 66% but im at 46% right now... fuck... i hope i can pass! maybe i will need to get tutoring from smile/wave girl or my teacher.

speaking of smile/wave girl (do i ever not?) kerin says i should name her something other than smile/wave girl. she suggested lisa or lizzy. i think kerin's crazy. she wants to be like cindy too! oy... kawananakoa...

i also wrote something today. im working on a story. not that im gonna let anyone read it. its just... something to pass the time.

im going to a shoot off tomorrow. im going to this thing where they get all world war II era rifles, from 1941, and they shoot them at i think steel targets. it should be real interesting cause they're gonna have the guns, and uniforms and the food. im going with my dad cause one of my mom's co-workers invited us. so it means that i get to wake up early and drive out to koko head. oh well.

and then, tomorrow afternoon i have to work as the "DJ" at this thing called reflections. it has to do with the ptsa so yeah... oh well. at least someone else my age is gonna be there. paige keopuhiwa. we can talk music or something. too bad i gotta play their kinda music. if i get really bored, im just gonna play rage against the machine even if i do get in trouble. i mean, what can they do to me? kick me out? ooooooh, i hope not. or maybe they'll take away my pay. oh wait. im not getting paid! ha ha ha ha ha. fuck em all.

okay, well, peaches.

Previously on - Currentlier

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