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2000-12-03 - 05:41:57

well, its about 145 am, and im still awake with nothing to do. so i think i'll put up my journal from my trip down haleakala. if you want to thank anyone for me finally putting this up, thank kim. she told me she'd like to read it when i asked for an oppinion on the matter.

4-20-200 10:34 PM

Well, it's the night before the trip. I'm all oacked, said by "bbl's" and "ttyl's" etc. for now. Missing Erin already. I dont even know why. I know i'll be back to bother her another day, but i still will miss her. I see her so little yet I'm so determined to make it work. Well, i'll be going now so i can get my sleep. bye bye.

4-21-2000 4:58 AM

Woke up running at about 4:15 AM It turns out i set my alarm for 4:00 AM but i forgot to turn the fucker on. gotta be me. its really early, and people are giving me strange looks. i think its my clothes. me and erin paged our "good-byes." not the most romantic of ways, but it'll have to do.

i wonder what the others on this little shindig look like. i doubt any of them are as "hardcore" as i am. frick, my dad took a picture of me writting.

Boarding is gonna happen soon. this is it. cross my fingers, would say hail mary if i knew it, hope for the very best. oh well, cant change what hasnt happened. i'll write again. bye.


Im here. the airports is really nice, im still getting weird looks though. waiting for my bags. this place is really snazzy. the sun is comming up, the sky's purpleish-haze, really pretty. i go. bye.


did you know that a lot of local stations are also on maui? i didnt know FM transmitted that far. i heard "under the brdige" by Red Hot Chilli Peppers on KPOI. It's really nice out here, lots of natural color, i.e. vegitation green, dirt brown. really very nice. i wonder how everyones doing. probably sanley sleeping.

something my dad just hit me, no tv, no internet, no email, no AIL IM, no telephone. i knew i shoulda known this but, oh well.

Right now im listening to "all the small things." reminds me how erin likes "whats my age again." which makes me miss erin. i take solace in knowing she misses me too.


this is for lee anne. COWS! LOTS OF COWS! i just passed 4500ft. plenty of long winding roads. the sign say 15 MPH, we hit 30+ MPH. lots of bikers (not Hell's Angel kine). more cows. the air here is so cold and damp. and its so fresh. it feels so good to breath. you have to experience it to understand. we'll be driving through the clouds. it's nothing like aladin. dumb tourists cut infront of us. they aint goin no where any faster.


parking is really expenisve. actually $10 for 7-days, thats good. this sign says "turn on headlights in clouds." jus thought that was of interest. elevation is now 7000ft. @ 11 milesin. mm... the sun feels good, nice and warm. another sign says "nene corssing"


passed 8000ft at 15mi. in. everything is colorful, theres like slilverish green, light dirt brown, really yellow yellow. awesome.


18mi. & 9000 ft. and we are far above the clouds. i can see the kek observatories too. 2 mi to the summit 19 mi.


at the top.


it is god damned mother fucking COLD! i've spent the last half an hour in as much clothing i can put on and im only half warm. my fingers are completely numb i cant feel the pencil. really nice scenery though. you have to see it in person.


right now we're about 1hr. into the hike. @ a break right now nice spot not freezing n-e-more. plenty of rocks, not windy much eiher. really dusty. the air is so crisp and clean.


Eating lunch right now. the colors are so vibrant. its still a little chilly but the suns out. weather reminds me of schofield barracks. the air is so pristine, walked through what reminds me of volcanic ash. its a real pain wlaking through it cause its like sand so it swallows your feet. i half want to stay here, but i also want to see my friends. theres a lot of doo-doo around. not too stinky though. just lots and lots of it. im glad im wearing my bdu's cause they keep me warm but good enough. oddly enough my boots are keeping my feet comfortable. im kinda tired right now, and im also anxious to get to the camp site. i cant wait till we get home tho. i miss erin a lot. its really pretty here though.

park ranger ben got me on my pack. said my pack is too bright for me. i knew it was comming. all just a matter of time i guess. oh, well.

shit, its getting cold again. i can feel it. shouldve gotten a bigger coat.

hey, theres a nene goose here. its molting or shedding its feathers. funnly looking bugger. ranger ben said it looks liek a "bad hair day." i concur.

ragner ben konshak is his name.

wearing sun glasses takes away from the experience. it makes the colors a bit more bland.


i made it to the top! very nice. very green. very quiet. i like it up here. still a lil cold. air feels very good up here. i think i've fallen in love here. the hills are really steep surrounding here. let see, we've seen deserts, scrub lands, and rain forests. note*dont hike in boxers. sore!


i'm set in my bunk. i've got the TOP bunk. theres maybe 3 ft. of space aove me, and then the roof. taking off my boots was very hard. too hard, but i did it. everyone in this room is social except for the german lady, shes still outside. i'm so tired. i am right next to the door so ihope no ones walking in and out, otherwise im gonna be cold.

I should go towel off. and no entry would be complete w/o I miss erin.


The stove is burning. its so cool. i can stand by it and warm up. the stars are out too, but i cant stand teh cold so, cant stay out too long. pathetic. i drank a lot of water, feels good. random thoughts: i miss erin. i cant wait to get back so i can talk/page/IM her. god i miss her. and there's a freakin fly stuck in my corner. so annoying. hope it doesnt start again. g'nite. i think i trapped the fly in a spider web, hope it dies. g'nite again. teh spider just wrapped the fly in a web cocoon. its only a matter of time. g'nite.

4-22-2000 07??

I woke up just now. its cold again. and really bright outside. i want to sleep more. but everyone else is up and about. argh!!! tired... everyone is so social except for me.i could use a shot of coffee. i wish ih ad some. damn. the flu is gone presumably from the spider. im also hearing about snoring and nightmares which i missed. i wish i could get to a warm shower, bath, and erin. i want to hold her warm body next to mine. i miss it. nothing else in the world feels like that.


i hiked up a gully by the camp site w/ reid and harry. my pop couldnt make it. its about 1 mi long. not too bad. just a little step. from here, you can see into kipahulu valley. closed off to public, its the closest im gonna get. its just majestic. its a rain forrest, its just beautiful. looking into it, all trees, all green. the shades of green are just unbelieveable. no crayon can do this right. the clouds behind it just add to the beauty. its like a slow moving fog. it makes you wonder why people want to make pollution and parkin lots. just unbelieveable beauty. on the other side of me. the low ground. its so barren. its still unbelieveable. the farther out you look, the dryer and more barren it gets. still beautiful tho. the contrast is so odd. its just UNBELIEVEABLE. i have got to come back. and bring some friends.

the only sound i can hear is the birds.

the smell is of fresh un-polluted air.

the feeling of the earth is undescribable.

the taste? well, cant taste much. so beautiful.


after my hike w/ harry & reid, i came back and ate lunch. at 1200 we left to cut blackberries for three hours. we cleared a pretty large area. the aaron dude he kept saying we "kicked ass!" it was pretty neat. we had to dig deep in the grass and cut the things near the ground and then they put garlond G3A. its a low grade herbicide. then we waited for a few hrs. for the pot luck. food was good, but i felt kinda sick. still do. but, i'll live. i havent eaten a lot this whole trip, dont know why either. after dinner, i washed dishes! water was really freakin cold! then we played jeopardy. we lost bad. i feel sick still. dont know why either. i feel oogy too. cant wait to shower and wash my hair. im sittin in the room w/ russel and his g/f cant remember her name. shes pretty though. it makes me wish for erin. i miss her. cant wait to see her. hope i do see her on monday. i should ask her if she wants to do out to do something. makiki park sounds nice. plus i dont have money, so... im such a bad b/f. i dont deserve her. its funny how arm this cabin is. im not all that cold in here. im dreading going back to the summit. oh dear lord how affraid i am. i dont want to take my boot off. so sore to put 'em on. wheres erin dammit. wheres the fairy tale? why cant i get my snow white waiting for me? crud...


im sittin out here, alone, its just great. not a lot of light, all i see are sillouets and stars. its just so dark and beautiful. i dont know how to describe it except *smile*

its just so beautiful. i wish erin were here to share this moment with me. its just majestic. totally undescribable. i will never forget this moment. the sight. the sound of the breeze, not even the brids. the smell is intoxicating because its so fresh. the cold, damp air blowing against me. the taste of the breeze, its so moist and just sweet. the only reason i would leave here is for erin. which reminds me russel and terri, both said erin's a very cute girl. im gonna need to tell her that. i really have to agree with them. i just think im falling in love with her. sitting out here, looking at the stars, made me realize just how lucky i am to be hers. its like a one of akind beauty she has. makes me feel special. i hope i'll be with her for a long, long time.


i finished it! i complete the trail!!! i came in after harry and reid. after lunch. aaron took our stuff down in a truck so we could run the last part of the hike. i ran abotu 1/8-1/6-1/4 (?) of the trail fore i had to stop and take off my boots. i have these sore ass mother fuckin blisters on my small toe. i had to walk part of the trail in my socks carrying my boots. then i caught up w/ the truck and got my slippers. i ended up hiking a few miles in socks and slippers. but i di it. i completed it. it feels so good to just sit here in the breeze and write my thoughts. i am so wasted. i feel like i could sleep a day by. but i got school tomorrow. god... oh well, maybe i'll see erin tomorrow. one tip to hiking long distances. dont think about how far you've gone, or how much farter you have to go.the sea looks so beautiful, so blue. i fel like i can see into forever. its just undescribable.


that was my journal from the hike. notice how many times i used "undescribable." you know why i did? because it really was. thats all there is to it. it was just undescribable. i still want to go back, even if its frigid cold. its just the sheer beauty and the auster condtions to live in. i like that kinda spartan living shit. it really humbles one. makes one realize theres so much more than your comfort and your way of living. it reminds us all that we are not fully incontrol of our lives, but that we are at the mercy of all around us. we are not the gods we think we are, we are but a small portion of what is the greater being. we are just human. i love it.

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