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2000-12-05 - 02:23:49

i keep thinking its tuesday. its really weird. mondays normally dont feel like tuesdays, but today just kept me thinking its tuesday.

hmph, oh well... at least i was writting the correct date today.

speaking of dates, nicole pointed out something very interesting that had us laughing for a bit in english. it was funny cause i had my essay read by so many people too. i said in there that the event occured on either the 23rd or 24th of november. but the thing is, we didnt have school on the 23rd or 24th. t'was thanksgiving holiday. laugh...

yeah.. that was my day. how fun was that?

oh yeah, i also saw smile/wave girl a lot today, but she didnt see me, so oh well. just trying to make this damn entry longer by putting in random crap.

oh yeah! there just might be a god y'know? my grade check for rotc needs to be signed by all my teachers, and my math teacher is behind in her grading, so she said she'll sign it on thursday, which gives me time to go get my counselors signature which i assume he would read the rest of my grades before making a decision. ah ha! so he wont see that im failing math! im so happy. if ia m failing math right now.. cause i've been doing all my work and stuff so, yeah. maybe im squeaking by with a D. y'know, i really hope i pass this quater with a c which would mean that i got a c for the semester. that would really make my semester. i mean, that would me that im passing everything with an average or above. which would make it two quaters in a row that i did that. which would also mean two quaters in a row for all of high school. y'know, in my entire high school life, i havent gotten a quater where i wasnt getting a D or a F in at least one class. even from freshmen and sophmore year i had a D or a F in every quater. i was happy when i saw that i didnt last quater, hopefully i can pull it off all year and next year too. oh well, dont count your chickens before they hatch.

well, i think thats long enough so i'll be going. peaches.

P.S. Im getting the new Rage CD tomorrow! Whoo-HOO!!! "Renegade" he he he, its all cover songs, but the one that has been released is awesome! renegades of funk. originally written/performed by Afrika Bambaataa and sonic soul force or something like that.

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