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2000-12-06 - 01:41:13

he he he... i got the new rage CD. Renegades. its all i've been listening to since i got it. its pretty damn good. not as good as my rage live and rare, but i think it'll grow on me. i kinda like this one song, "its a beautiful world." its really actually slow, but its kinda like, different which is why i kinda like it. i mean, its like, a regular song. not like rage's loud stuff. i mean, its like almost mellow, well except for the fact that zach de la rocha is singing it...

oh and damn! you should've seen the bitch working the counter when i was buying it. she was all like, "do you have ID?"

"uh... no?"

"drivers license?"

"uh... no... i dont."

"anything? cause i need an ID to let you buy this cause it has explicit lyrics."

"I have a library card?"

"Sorry, i need something with your birthday on it to make sure your 16."

what the fuck is that? i mean, c'mon, do i look younger than 16? i doubt it. i mean, how many bald kids do you see that are younger than 16? geez, i know that i do not look younger than 16. fuck. so i had to have kim buy it for me. and then, when she gave the bitch her drivers license, she had to scrutinize it! what the hell? if you have a drivers license, your obviously 16 right? what the fuck? dumb bitch. oh well. i got my CD in the end.

a few minutes later due to that bitch.

oh, yeah, kyle convinced me to take news writting next year. if i get acceptted.

oh, and y'all better show up at the clean up. me and jenna are going balls to the walls (metaphorically seeing as how jenna doesn't have balls) on this planning. i mean, hell, we're working with mrs. leung, the class advisors, the class officers, americas promise, mr. oshima who talks too much, mr. yamasaki who always seems pised off (no offense crystal), and soon to be another group of juniors too. we're like, working our asses off. which means that im working harder than jenna cause my ass is bigger. :)

hmm... im really angry about english. i missed any points at all on the vocab quiz. you know by how much? by one fucking wrong. the cut off for 5 was -13. i got -14. i was crushed. i was just sitting there looking at it trying to figure out if i could argue one point into my favor. i think im gonna go for the "what value does latin hold today?" cause that ones kinda a vague question that i can argue i think. wish me luck.

okay, im done here. peaches.

oh, and yeah. when i get my observational essay back, i'll post that fucker too. just thought i'd mention that.

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