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2000-12-08 - 01:50:47

me. angry. me want break thing. grr...

nah, not anymore. but im still a little peeved. freakin koki took my damn CD player. im like, spazzing out here. i need my fucking music when im not studying or doing anything productive. i tend to go nuts listening to the same song in my head over and over and over. especially when its not the whole song and the songs start to get mixed in my head. its like, i can be listening to testify in my head and then it'll mix into guerrilla radio which'll then mix into something entirely unrelated like praise you. i mean, it'll go on like this all day if i didnt have to really think about stuff.

ah yes... i think smile/wave girl is a little freaked out by me now in hind sight. its like, in the past week, whenever i tried to say something worth while to her, she just looks at me weird. not the melissa "deer staring into the oncoming headlights" weird, but this weird like "who the fuck are you talking to me?" weird. y'dig? okay... so probably not, but oh well.

damn... so much more happened to me today but im drawing a blank. i'll just sit here a moment and try to recall something...

hmm... oh yeah, peer ed. i scared the CRAP out of the entire class today. i gave my report on PCP today, finally. and well, as my closing thing, i needed a volunteer. so kristin came up. and well, i was holding a stappler. so i said, "okay, now we're going to demonstrate a person on PCP. they are entirely fearless and feel no pain." and then kristin and the entire class start to wig out. to try and get kristin to actually do the stunt, i coax her "kristin, are you on PCP or not? well, you are, you have to be fearless." and so she takes a few seconds to compose herself. and i grab her arm to get ready to do my stunt, and then she twitches again and takes a few more seconds to compose herself. then i grab her arm "this is what a person on PCP acts like when you try to inflict pain upon them." boom, i slam the stappler on her shoulder. the entire class goes wide-eyed. kristin's standing there in shock.

there were no stapples in the stappler.

im standing there smiling on the inside maintaining my composure on the outside. it was good. i freaked out everyone. he he he... im so evil.

and then after class kitto has the stappler loaded and comes up to me, "okay, ryan. you ready? im gonna stapple you."

"okay," i say, not really thinking he will, but ready to take the pain if he is going to do it. *click* i hear the stapple and i feel him pulling it out of my overshirt. i couldnt really feel it, but he thinks im all hardcore now that i "took" a stapple without pain. oh well, makes me look better. i think. probably not...

hmm... what else...

oh yeah, i stole crystal yamasaki's chopstick for the day. t'was fun.

i think thats it... oh well. i did some thinking, but im still uncomfortable to talk about it yet so... peaches.

Previously on - Currentlier

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