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2000-12-09 - 03:24:18

dungeons and dragons... it was a weird movie. it was kinda funny at some points, and the dragons were cool, but the ending just sucked doo doo. i mean, jenna, kim, nor i actually can figure out how the damn movie ended. if you just think we're stupid, then go see the fucking movie and you tell me how the fucking movie endned.

hmm... i got my CD player back today! he he he... i had to lie at one point to get it back. sgt koki asked me where the headphones were, so i told him they were my sister's. and then he asked about the CD, this part i didnt lie. i told him that i had just gotten it the other day, which is true, and i couldnt live without it. which is partially true. i mean, i could live without it, but it would be oh so much harder.

hmm... what else today...

i actually turned in my regristration card on time this year. the last year (hopefully) that i have to turn one in, and even though i said i turned it in on time, i didnt really. i turned it in when school was done, so it wasnt really on time, but kinda late, but an acceptable late at that. what classes i signed up for:

marine science

spanish II

newswriting I


english IV X

geometry (fuck, i forgot to ask my math teacher if she could change it to algebra II cause i plan on taking geometry over the summer... oh well, something for monday)

oh, and my mom had he meeting with ms. nagata, my math teacher. apparently im back on track. which is what i've been trying to tell them this whole time, but they've just thought i was lying so they kept asking me if i did my homework multiple times within the same day. oh well, in your fucking face mom! bitch.

my shoulders, neck, traps, and lower back are sore. i think its from the rifle drills we did yesterday in rotc. oh well, it was good fun doing that again. i love rifles. its all a matter of size. no wonder oki likes pistols better... he he he...

fuck... i gotta clean/polish my boots before tomorrow 11AM dammit.

im still procrastinating. why? cause youre stupid ryan!

okay, well, im outta shit to say here. peaches.

P.S. smile/wave girl smiled at me today in math class. maybe all hope is not lost. ah, who am i kidding...

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