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2000-12-10 - 04:12:24

guess where i am... go ahead... guess...

aw you suck. no, im not at home... or in prison. im at kim's house right now. but enough about that... i have to tell y'all about today at the clean up.

i got to school at like 630 am. it was early and then we got the set up all finished early so kyle, blair, and jenna went to go make a coffee and donught run for us while melissa mom and i started to cover up the dirt area, while darsie, and some other people were filling the wheel barrow for mrs. sato and i.

after we finsished that, too fast... we went and started to dig up the area by the ramp on the side by mr. rosenlee's room. that was fun, i got to play with a pick. i got pretty good with it too. then while there, mr. tamashiro, erin's dad, and i started to dig up a plant. then we got reall into it cause the plant went pretty deep. it was actually very deep. we actually got it out though, and ended up with a really big hole in the ground. then as more people began to come, we (jenna and i), started to just send people to do menial tasks. what ever we could find we made them do.

so we ended up diggin up almost all of the courtyard by the walls.

but this is one of the best parts of my day, but by far, not THE best.

when i was comming back up from the rotc room cause sgt. koki wouldnt let us practice for the drill perfomance, smile/wave girl saw me and said "ryan, do you have anything for us to do?" i was all stoked, but kept it to myself. SHE KNOWS MY NAME! hehehehehehehehehehehe. so i told her to follow me and set her to work in the jr. area.

after that, around 10 i left to go get dressed and practice the drill.

at 1045 we went up to go wait for the ceremonies to open. upon getting there, i saw senator inouye!!! i remembered hearing he wasnt gonna be there, so i was really stoked that he was there. i mean, like, REALLY STOKED!!! he is a medal of honor winner, and I GOT TO SHAKE HIS HAND, TALK TO HIM, AND US DRILL TEAM BOYS GOT TO TAKE A PICTURE WITH THE SENATOR. oh yeah, he also called us "his squad". it may not mean a lot to you guys, but, to a guy like me, its the best thing in the world almost. to be praised by a congressional medal of honor awardee, it is an honor. not to mention, we were also praised by the CinC (commander in chief) of naval opperations pacific command, and an air force colonel, major, and two other air force guys. both of the other air force guys said we should join the air force and join the local air force honor guard. thats another honor thing. i so loved today.

then i went home and slept and ate.

around 7 we went to go shopping, i got a toy for my secret santa person and a video for myslef. i finally got the video. you know what video that is? the rage againts the machine one. ive been looking for two months for it. and i found it! he he he... okay, well, im gonna go watch it now. peaches.

P.S. this was one of the best days of my life :) to recap why: smile/wave girl knows my name and spoke to me, i got to meet an admiral, we were praised by an admiral, a major, two other air force guys, and various other people. and THE BEST THING THAT HAPPENED TO ME TODAY: I GOT TO SHAKE SENATOR INOUYE'S HAND AND TAKE A PICTURE WITH HIM CALLING US "HIS SQUAD."

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