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2000-12-11 - 01:34:09

the following paragraph is x-rated just to warn you.

i did it again, i got flexall on my nuts. and it just had to be Flexall Ultra Plus that "penetrates skin quickly and deeply." my god was it sore... it burned, it froze... it was not all good. it was pretty bad. but most of the pain is gone.

that was about the highlight of my day.

pretty boring day eh?

oh yeah, we also put up our christmas tree today. that sucked. it interupted me from watching M*A*S*H (which is better then smurfs). i like that show. its like one of my favorite shows. thank god for the FX Channel.

well, im really outta crap to say so... i go now. peaches.

P.S. hey, jevon, thanks for the kind comments. and i found the aardse. it snuck under the house (port-o-pot) again.

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