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2000-12-12 - 03:06:25

smile/wave girl now gets a new name.

smile/wave/verbal greeting girl is her new name.

but i think i'll stick with smile/wave girl, its a little easier to say. plus its got history in it too...

but y'wanna know why i decided to add "verbal greeting" to the list?

today, she actually said a verbal greeting to me. he he he... she initiated it too, i was sitting down in my seat at math and shes walkin to her desk, which is now... uh... two back and one to the left of me now, well, anyway... she was walkin to her desk, and she said "hey ryan."

i swear to god, i was in shock, all i could mutter out was "howzit?"

i was stunned is the only way to put it. like a deer in headlights almost. well, not physically cause i didnt just sit there starring at her, but my mind locked up. just sitting up there in my skull, "say something dumbass. Say something!"

but, yeah... i can get it down. i can talk to her. sooner or later.. probably later... but its sometime y'know?

heh, i was talking to erin about her. i was telling erin about that incident up above, and well, i was telling erin of my plan to get to make small talk. i figure, i've got another semster to get my ass in the seat next to hers. hopefully it wont be in the front of the class or behind/in-front of her. hopefully it'll be somewhere towards the back of the room, preferentially towards one of the corners, and side by side. i've found side by side to be the most conductive for small talk/general bull shitting. hopefully she wont be offended by my way of speak and my topics of speak especially... if you havent noticed, i am a little rough around the edges on social skills. especially on being politically correct. if you dont agree to this, talk to erin. ask her about our first impressions.

changing subject entirely...

i love my new rage against the machine video. i cant wait till the 26th. the new battle of mexico comes out. i swear to god, if i buy nothing else for the rest of the year, its gonna be that.

i wish i had known them better when they came down a few years back. i love their live stuff. its just awesome. and i cant wait to get zach's other cover album that hes gonna do. well, its not so much covers, but colaborations with other hip-hop artists.

all day i've had people of the sun stuck in my head. its cool cause they got this part where Tom Morello, their guitarist, he turns up the distortion on his guitar and he starts to scratch with it, its not quite like a turntable, but its got that effect to it. and he also takes out the amp plug, and he touches it to the strings, and he gets these cool chirping noises... i guess you have to hear it to understand. its really dope.

okay, well im done now, peaches.

Previously on - Currentlier

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