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2000-12-13 - 02:52:00

ha ha ha ha ha ha... today... today was a good day.


well, except for the start and sorta right now, but other than that, i liked today.

i woke up late today... like uh... 710 or so. thats like about 40 minutes later than usual... so i was kinda small kine angry at ryan for that one.

but y'know, it got better.

this is where i really liked today. math. i love math class. i mean, a lot of it has to do with the fact of one particular person in my math class, but y'know?

well, the class started as usual, she walked past the class room to go put something in her locker i assume. so i was walking to class and we did the smile thing. then, in math class i was looking down my aisle cause i sit in the front now, and well, i swear to god this was entirely a coincidence, i ended up looking down her side (the left side) and well,s he smiled at me, again. i like that. but thats not it. after math class. i had to go stop by erin's math class to trade pics. so i go to her class and im talking to her and im pulling out my military ball picture to give one to her, and then smile/wave girl comes up behind me and says "Where's mine?"

i swear to god, i was just totally, even more so than yesterday, caught off guard! i mean im not sure if my head flew back or anything, but i was just totally like "Whoa! dude! dude? dude!!!!" i was able to say something without tripping all over myself. i said "You want one?" in kinda a stunned voice, im not sure if my voice cracked, i dont think it did, but i wont count out the possibility if it did.

she said "yeah!" so i started to take one out for her and i think to myself: "i wonder if she wants me to write on it?"

"are you like the rest of the girls i know and want me to write on the back?" i asked.

"nah, thats all right."

and so i gave her the pic and she saw that it was all curvy and shit on the edges and asks "wow, did you cut that out yourself?"

"What? me? no... they make it like this for stupid idiots like myself," i said with a smile.

"oh... thats cool."

and then we both smiled at eacother she said "thanks" and left. erin was just looking at me with a big ol grin on her face, "you're gonna be happy for the rest of the day arent you?"

i had this big ol shit eating grin on my face walking down the halls telling her "oh yeah! but i just know something bad's gonna happen to ruin this day. it always happens like that."

erin started to tell me to be optimistic and stuff. so yeah, that was the best god damned part of my day.

she talked to me! he he he... maybe i should change her name again: smile/wave/verbal greetings/talk girl

well, in rotc i also felt smart.

major needed to hook up a computer to the TV so he could do a power point presenation or something akin to it. so, me being the tech crew leader, i had to do it for him. so yesterday i tried hooking it up to this p.o.s. mac we have, but that didnt work out. so he had me try it on one of the pc's in the class room.

so, we spent the entire class period trying to hook up the computer to the tv.

we eventually got it to work! it took us all period, but we got it! we actually got the fucking thing to work! the screens a little fuzzy, its not all that clear, but thats something out of my area of expertise. we did it! we did it! he he he... im so cool.

well, those were the two things that really made my day.

i also went and did my oral book report today, that went okay i guess. i went first so im hoping for the leniency. and i didnt do what she said her period 1 did. so i hope that i get a half decent score. i doubt it though cause i hardly actually talked about the book, most of it was just re-ittereating what i read on sparknotes and making fun of oki. but... hey, i got the class to laugh. im more of a commedian than a person who actually does the assignment.

oh yeah, i got my descriptive essay back two days ago, y'know what i got? a 30! and a "good" mark. he he he... im so happy. i was so hopping for it. ryan is good.

well, thats all i gots to say, so peaches.

she talked to me! ha ha ha ha ha!

Previously on - Currentlier

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