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2000-12-14 - 02:56:10

my god! i just had the scariest conversation of my life!

one of my friends mothers just called me. she was really... no let me reemphasise this... REALLY PISSED OFF. i mean, she calls me up asking if i have major kimura's phone number so i gave her his cell number, then she gives me this like 6 minute lecture on how her daughters boy friend, or former boy friend is fucked up. i swear to god she was pissed. i mean... her lecture covered how she talked to the parents, how the parents are fucked up, if he can get access to a firearm, how he may need psychological help from a professional, possible courses of actions for him, more on how him and his family is fucked up, and how he's "stalking" them... my god... im so scared im gonna be dragged into this.

god... hell hath no fury as that of an angry mother

oh god.. we had the after action review meeting of the clean up today. that didnt actually accomplish shit. but i like the zippy's guy. he and i share a lot of the same views. we both dont like the extra credit given to people just to get them out there. and we both dont like the comercialization of the event. i told bob he should meet kyle karioka. he was bitching and moaning about that.. it was funny.

that was about the highlight of my day.

god im still scared from talking to mary rose's mother... *shiver...* i really did shiver. i really am scared... dear lord save my soul...

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