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2000-12-15 - 03:10:07

i am so freaking god damned mother fucking sonuva whore bitch ass shit out happy right now. my gawd, there is nothing better than what i feel right know that i know of. ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...

dudes, today i woke up feeling confident. so confident that i decided to wear my hat. y'know the cool fedora? yeah, i wore it today cause i felt good. i felt confident. i felt like THE MAN.

i think it had something to do with what i woke up dreaming. but it starts last night after i updated...

last night i was talking to kim about trying to figure out how to ask smile/wave girl to the rotc x-mas dance. not that its anything big but just to show display the kinds of friends i have to her. well, anyway, i had decided on a note. and kim also convinced me to put in my phone number, but theres a story behind the phone number theroy. i shall elaborate on the phone number.

theres a guy named jon in my physics class, hes cool, hes funny. hes like a pimp or something so he apparantly knows his shit about picking up chicks so i kinda look up to him i guess... no not really but it sounds good. so anyway, he was saying that he doesnt ask girls for their phone number, he gives them his saying "okay, it'd be weird for you if i asked you for your phone number, so here, i'll give you mine and you can call me when you're ready."

so anyway, back to the present. i was telling this to kim and i told her i was pondering putting this in there. so kim said to do it, so i decided, okay, i will.

this morning, like i said, i was feeilng confident. so i walked into the rotc room with my hat thinking, "okay, lets write this damn note." so i wrote it, and i put my message of asking her to the dance in it and i added my phone number as a Post Script at the end. boom. it was in there.

now, kim, had promissed me that she would deliver it for me, so i went up to give her the note. as i was walking up, i decided, okay, if i see smile/wave girl, i'll give her the note myself. so i was walking past where she is in the morning, but she wasnt there so i just decided, okay, i'll give it to kim. so i got there and i gave it to kim and i spent the rest of the morning talking to dane.

well, i spent the rest of the day wondering if the note made it to her. i started to get apprehensive wondering if she got it, i came home and stayed off the phone hoping against hope that she would call. i swear to god, everytime i heard the phone ring i would be all like "dude! could that be her?!? aw.. dammit. its not her."

so i went to go take a shower, and just as im drying off, i hear my cell go off. i rush out of the bathroom, it stops ringing. "shit!" so i go back and change, and then i hear the house phone ring after my mom got off. i answer it. "hello?" *oh my god! its her! she actually called! whoo-hoo!!!!!!!!!!!* he he he, she actually called yo! i swear to god, she sounds like melissa. she even talks like melissa. cause y'know how melissa says things like "oh my god," and "really?" and all those quirks of hers? well, smile/wave girl has the same quirks. oh well, i could still tell it was her and not melissa. damn im good.

she kept laughing at my lame ass jokes which was rather cool. i like today. we ended up talking for almost an hour. he he he... i kept teasing her that she was a freshmen, she got me using the "im only a freshmen" once or twice.

but, y'know? it doesnt matter. he he he...

oh yeah, we also did tae-bo for PT (physical training) in rotc today. that was fun. i like tae-bo. its good fun y'know? y'all should try it one day. at least once in your life. me and leo were talking to eachother about it and we both agree that it is a real work out. i mean, the speed bag one, it looks easy enough, but it really gets your arms tired, well, not so much your arms, but your shoulders get tired.

ah ha ha ha ha... today was a good day.

but i have a contradiction stuck in my head right now. i have "how i could kill a man." stuck in my head right now. not the cypress hill version (cypress hill kicks ass), but the rage against the machine cover version. i have two versions of that song... and like, four versions of another rage song too. i have like so many freakin rage songs... but i only have one of their main albums.

speaking of that album, which is renegades, the new one, i got jon, the one i was speaking of earlier, to consider purchasing it. he was listening to it in physics, and he was like, "oh dude, this is sick! this is so sick!" *note: he meant the good kine sick, not the gross sick* but he was all like "yeah, maybe i will buy this!" im glad i can make a difference in someones life, y'know? he he he

okay, well, im gonna go now. peaches y'all.

Previously on - Currentlier

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