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2000-12-16 - 06:23:48

mah gawd, the 15th of december was a kick ass day.

well, with the exception that my arms were kinda really sore from how i guess i was sleeping. im not quite sure, but the muscles were all tensed up and really sore. maybe was from the tae-bo... hmm...

well, anyway. in math class, smile/wave girl dropped a note on my desk, and well... lets just put it this way, it was pretty god dammed encouraging.

from then on, the day couldnt go by fast enough.

oh, and in rotc, i won a pen, which is something that i really needed, and a soda which was pretty good considering i didnt want to spend any money.

period 3... the fire alarm went off. oh well...

period 4, we had to write an essay of sorts about what we appreciate in life. the number one thing that i appreciate in life? my girlfriends, past and future. it sounds odd, but let me elaborate. they allow me to become a better person. shana taught me manners. erin taught me how to be a better person on the inside. and because of them, i taught myself chivalry. they made me a better person than who i was.

period 5. gillia said that hokama said that if the fire alarms go off anymore, we might have an extra day of school before the break. oh well, i dont have anything better to do myself... im a loser.

period 6. phsyics we did a work sheet and a video. was a pretty fun day.

after school... i liked after school!

me and smile/wave girl went to subway as was decided the night prior (maybe thats why i couldnt sleep well?). and well, the funny thing is, we walked in, there was one table left. after we bought our stuff, there weren't any tables left. so we decided we'd go back to roosevelt. so we're walking back and man, we saw so many people we know... i think the secret might be getting out... oh well, nothing stays secret forever if you ask me. so yeah...

guess where we went when we got back to roosevelt...

rotc room.

i intro'd her to the types of stuff we do in rotc. things like drill team, color guard, "o'grady says" which is just "simon says" army style, and the various other things that were on the picture boards. she also got to meet some of my friends: ikaika, brian, and leo basically.

well, after that i had to leave her cause i had to train my color guard team for the parade that was in an hour or so. but the thing was, she was also gonna be there... well, we didnt see eachother till just as i was leaving so... i didnt get to spend anymore time with her. shuckydarns. oh well, i had fun at the party too.

for rotc we had the x-mas dance. me, brian, and ikaika were the DJ's. if i do say so myself, for first timers, we did a pretty damn good job. we had a few slip ups, but we got it down for next time i think. mixing music isnt so hard. not as hard as i thought it'd be... but yeah, we was okay.

and then me, kim, kerin, dae won, tien, and steve went to aloha's after. we got to play for free, me and kim. cause tien payed for our first hour, and dennis payed for our second one. so me and kim got it free, pretty cool eh? oh yeah, and me and kim had some damn luck today. we beat two teams in eight ball purely by DS shots. it was cool.

but... he he, still, today was cool mostly cause of a short period of time. :)


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