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2000-12-17 - 03:09:20

i actually did work today.

this morning me and my dad went to the rotc room to fix a few more of the leaks in the celling. we worked for about four or five hours chipping and painting and caulking the celling. we did about two holes, one hair line crack, and another two holes on the outside and about 4 or 5 cracks on the outside too. so we did quite a bit of work. i now have another skill picked up.

hmm... we were invited to eat lunch with the rangers and their parents, but we both decided not to, it wasnt our food thats why. we didnt bring anything to their little pot luck so yeah...

hmm, i slept a lot of the day too. i also did a bit of TV watching. in fact, i was watching TV when smile/wave girl called again. :)

we talked for another hour. i swear, this is getting so cool. i can make fun of her for being a little frosh and she'll get all red, even on the phone she'll get red. she blushes fairly easily. i think its because she doesnt tan. yeah, cause she 100% jap so... heh, im so evil. making fun of freshmen. evil evil evil... and lets see... what else? oh yeah, i got to brag about being 3rd for OIA in air riflery... and about me and my other two DJ's doing a not to bad job. i really should stop bragging. theres not much to brag about, y'know? oh yeah, and while i was talking to her, i got two phone calls on my cell. one was dae won asking me if i wanted to go out to a movie with them, but i turned them down cause i was talkin to ____. and the second time was mori asking me why i wasnt at ala moana with my parents. this one was funny. i started to yell at him, with the full intention of smile/wave hearing me, "i dont love you anymore mori! stop calling me! i dont want to hear from you! just stop calling me! i told you i dont love you anymore!" and then he started to yell back at me and this went on for another minute or so. then he said he was in macdonalds at ala moana and people were looking at him then he hung up at me after a bit more yelling. smile/wave girl just said that was weird, then i told her thats the kind of stuff that happens in rotc all the time. :) i love rotc. no i dont...

oh, well... that was my day. if you want to tell me about your day, then... uhm... go ahead i guess.


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