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2000-12-18 - 02:58:50

today was fun.

i went shopping at pearl ridge with dane today. i got most of my shopping done... well, actually not, but. oh well. and all on $26. and i still have like $9 left. but i actually owe dane $10. we bought a joint gift for nicole and erin. i still need to get more for smile/wave girl, but she "its the thought that counts." but i told her "it maybe the thought that counts, but having nice stuff doesnt hurt." so me and dane are gonna go to ala moana on tuesday to go finish up our shopping.

dane's sister drove us down and it took us like almost 10 minutes to find a spot. maybe even more. but we also went to up and downtown at least twice. it was pretty fun shopping with dane cause we both look for the stupid people to make fun of.

yeah... then i came home and played on the comptuer.

then when i was taking a shower, smile/wave girl called and my dad answered the phone. later on, when she called back she says, "the one time i dont ask for you, its not you! your dad is a dork, ryan! he sounds just like you!" i was just cracking up at that... shes so cute when she gets all rilled. which is a lot of the time... if not most of the time. :) he he he... kim says i should just ask her out. i dont know. i guess i should. even if we have been talking for only like four days. oh well, if anything, this time it'll be sooner than later. not like erin where it took me a good year or so to ask her out.

okay, well... i be goin now. aights,


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