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2000-12-19 - 02:55:33

its almost over! i cant wait! ah ha ha!!!

well, there is one catch... i wont get to see smile/wave girl all that much. not unless we can plan something over the break, but im gonna be so busy on the break. i gotta go contest w/ kim over who can stay up the longest and who can sleep the longest. plus, i got mike's party on friday night. and then i also gotta go do my comunity service. and i gotta go to kaua'i on the 24-26th. so yeah... thats gonna take a lot of time out of my two weeks.

oh well...

me and smile/wave girl exchanged gifts today. i thought that was cool. its like, we've been talking for 5 days, and we're already buying gifts for eachother. man, life is odd aint she? oh, and i finally got her phone number. not that it really matters cause she calls me all the time so... yeah. but i finally got it. and in rotc, they just seem to have to come by as im writting my notes back to her. i dont get it. its like, i was reading it today, and deyson was behind me reading it for god knows how long. and like, leo, and all these other freshmen came by when i was writting back to her at lunch... i just dont get it. and last time, epiphani came by and was trying to read it too... i just dont get it. i cant get any damn priavcy in that room. and the thing is im trying to get some privacy too! i go off in the corner and try to stay away from people, but they just seem to stick by me. im not mad at them, but its like... what the fuck, y'know?

hmm... okay, well... yeah... what else...

oh yeah, me and dane wrote our x-mas cards today. well, i wrote mine. i doubt he finished his. he takes forever to write them. the catch is, we have 18 cards, so we decided, we'd combine some of them. so, we combined 8, and he has 8 to write too, and i have two. so its really off. instead of like, nine and nine, or like, 6 him, 6 me, 6 joint, its 8 him, 8 joint... 2 me. dude... thats just really weird. and well... yeah. that took us all afternoon cause, like i said, he takes forever to write.

okay, well... im gonna go now. peaches.

Previously on - Currentlier

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