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2000-12-29 - 03:04:21

i had a lot of fun today. i woke up kinda late, like 1030. thats late for me.

then dane came over around 11 and we wrapped nicoles belated christmas/early birthday present. that took us about half an hour cause part of the time we were just futting around not doing anything.

well, then he left and so i went and watched M*A*S*H for the next two hours. i like that show so much. its got a lot of emotion in it too. i remember one episode almost brought me to tears. it was a christmas episode, and the unit had one causalty come in. it was christmas day so it was supposed to be a day off from fighting. but they had this one casualty. as the doctors were secretly attending to him, they noticed that he was married and had kids, so they fought to keep him alive so that the kids wouldnt think of christmas day as the day their father died. i think that really struck me cause the way the actors portrayed their roles, it just really seemed real. and most of all, they really portray emotion in their roles. thats why i like that show.

well, then ikaika and deyson came over. they brought an N64 and deyson brought his computer games. so i played Delta Force on the computer while the two of them watched Full Metal Jacket. then ikaika went to go pick up leo. they ended up playing 007 until i got a phone call.

erin called me up and asked if i wanted to go down to roosevelt to meet her. so i asked if anyone wanted to go and deyson said he'd go, and then leo said he'd go cause he doesnt want to stay in a room alone with ikaika. so of course, that meant ikaika had to go. so he drove us all down there and i met up with erin. then, the two of us went walking around the field and ikaika and deyson and leo made a bet that we were either kissing or hugging when they drove by. im not sure who won the bet. and then i gave them my keys so they would leave me alone. i kinda got busted for that. but yeah, we spent the next half-hour to fourty-five minutes together. it was good seeing her again. i missed her. she missed me too.

ah blair... blair my friend... you are quite the funny one. you go around having some form of sex w/ your boy-toy and you say you dont. its okay blair, we all know your dirty little secret. THAT YOU'RE A SEX FIEND!!! but im sure that everyone already knew that little secret of yours from all the other comments you've made and i've posted in this here diary. but dont worry, none of us will think any less of you. not that we really can. :) oh, and thats right, you have nothing on me! im untouchable! no... actually, theres a lot of crap about me that you can tell her, but the question is, will you? muahahahahahahahaha...


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