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2000-12-30 - 02:46:33

blair, you screw ball! its sex FIEND! not sex FRIEND!

Fiend (n.)- 1. an evil spirt; devil. 2. Figurative. A very wicked or cruel person. 3. Informal, Figurative. A person who gives himself or herself up to some habit, practice game, or other avtivity. 4. U.S. Slang. A student devoted to or unusally prificient in some study.

therefore blair, you are a sex FIEND (def. #3).

y'know what time i went to sleep last night? i didnt. i went to sleep at 615 this morning. i could've lasted longer, but i figured i should get some sleep. it wasnt that hard to stay awake either. and i also got to see two more episodes of M*A*S*H, and the "renegades of funk" music video. plus, i've never watched so much mtv before this winter break. i prefer watching mtv at odd hours rather than during prime time tv cause during those odd hours, they actually play music videos!

as to why i didnt sleep? well, my cough was keeping me up kinda a lot. and i was also afraid to dream. something bad, but not really bad happened to me yesterday and i was kinda afraid to face it. but i talked it out with that person and we kinda came to an agrement on the situation.

i feel bad about that still yet though... i dont know why cause that person didnt see too much wrong with it, but its just... i just have some damn emotions now and it really pisses me off. not having emotions makes things so much easier. why do i have them? frickin hell...

i have the song "rollin" stuck in my head.

y'know, speaking of limp bizkit, does anyone else think that turntables in a rock group is a little weird? i mean, if you ask me, rock is supposed to be about the instruments, not synthesisers or tables or anything like that, y'know? i dont know... i've just noticed a lot of hip-hop influence on the rock scene now days. i mean, yeah, tha hip-hop sound has influence even my favorite band, rage against the machine, but they're still keepin it real by making their music with only their instruments and vocals. no tables, no sampling, no synthesisers. its all what they got with them up on tha stage. hell, they dont even need tables! tom morello can make the same sounds on his guitar! its pretty cool what he does too. you gotta hear it and see it to fully understand. i should stop now. but i need to make one more point... y'know linkin park? if you've seen the music video to "one step closer" you'll notice the guy on the tables in the back, hes actin like hes goin at it all hard core with the head bashing and arms moving like hes scratching, bt if you listen... there's no scratching noise. makes one wonder eh?

i went to the doctor today. i found out i have a slight case of bronchitus (sp.?). the guy- whos not really my pediatrician, he was just filling in cause mine was on vacation- gave me antibiotics and a cough suppresant which he told me to try not to take so i can cough up all the shit in my lungs. he also said that at 120 lbs. im about fully grown. aw nuts. i kinda wanted to be bigger, y'know? damn... and hes an expert on growth i think. hes an endomoligist pediatrician. i think thats his title. go look it up if you dont know what it means. i already provided you with one deffintion.

dammit, i want a cypress hill CD.

y'know what i heard concerning cypress hill and rage against the machine? since zach's (ratm's frontman) departure from ratm in october, the frontman for cypress hill has been pondering taking the position in rage. yeah, b real from cypress hill might want to take the lead vocalist of ratm. that'd be kinda neat i think. especially cause both bands have toured together and everything. it might just work out too cause zach was heavily influenced by hip-hop in his vocals, and b real is a hip-hop artist, so it might work. oh well... im watching that.

yeah... that was my day.

i miss erin tago. even if we dont have sex like blair and her boy-toy. its okay blair, we understand if you choose to do that stuff on your own time. just dont do that at any class/school functions. like, dont take him out back during a cafeteria ball or something, okay? especially if you take him to the jr. prom. you better not get something with a slit otherwise, we'll all know what you're expecting (to feel). so blair, keep your legs closed when we get back to school eh? :) peaches.

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