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2000-12-31 - 03:58:34

Fiend (n.)- 1. an evil spirt; devil. 2. Figurative. A very wicked or cruel person. 3. Informal, Figurative. A person who gives himself or herself up to some habit, practice game, or other avtivity. 4. U.S. Slang. A student devoted to or unusally prificient in some study.

sorry, i had to post that. its going to be up there for the next few days just to make sure blair reads it and understands it. if you dont know why i put it up there, go look at my guestbook.

anyway... i did my community service today for lusk. i went to a christmas tree recycling with mike, kim, and dane. dudes... it was just freakin fun as hell. we got to throw christmas trees off the a fourth story of a parking structure. how often do you get to do that?

anyway... we were on the news... like me, full on. i was gonna throw a tree over the edge, and the camera man told me to stop and do it right there, so he caught me looking at him all quizically and then i threw the sucka over. that was on kgmb 9. we also encountered like two trees that took me, mike and dane to toss over. i swear to god, these trees were fucking humongoid! i mean, the trunks were at least 18 inches in diameter. and they were damn heavy too.

oh, and we also encountered some asshole who got p.o. at us for possibly scratching his freakin interior. the ass. i wanted to swing a broom at him, and later on a christmas tree devoid of branches. that woulda hella hurt him. it was a nice solid christmas tree, and it had parts of the branches sticking out, so it would've hurt him even more! dang, i wish i could've.

and i also went to the rainbow classic today. hawaii lost. dammit. oh well, they werent expected to win anyway, and they put up a good effort. but there these freakin tennesse guys by us, and they were stupid. they were yelling at that slavic shooter dude on the warriors, "go back to europoe!" so i yelled, "arent caucasians european-americans?" he didnt use that one again. :)

oh well... that was my day.

random thought time:

im whipped. i leave my cell phone on 24/7 now days just in case erin calls. thats pretty bad eh? its funny cause, i rarely call her too. and isnt it normally the guy who calls the girl? i mean, our first freakin phone call was her to me. and infact, she got my number before (long before) i got her number. doesnt the guy normally ask the girl for her number? im like really bad at following procedure arent i? oh well... fuckit, its workin' out just fine.

my fingers got really good at typing my password. i use the same password for everything, so it just gets better and better at it. i mean, they just dance over the keyboard, i dont even have to think about it. sometimes i type it, and i thought i typed it so fast that i must've missed something but i hit enter anyway, and it works out. its pretty cool. i even hit enter on instinct too.

my bronchitus is clearing up slowly. im happy about that.

i wonder how many minutes i've gone over this month for my cell phone? cause i talk to erin a lot on my cell. its kinda rediculous how often i do. once i spent 31 minutes on the cell with her. im gonna go over, i just know it. *ouch*

okay, im done here. peaches.

Previously on - Currentlier

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