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2001-01-02 - 03:38:43

Fiend (n.)- 1. an evil spirt; devil. 2. Figurative. A very wicked or cruel person. 3. Informal, Figurative. A person who gives himself or herself up to some habit, practice game, or other avtivity. 4. U.S. Slang. A student devoted to or unusally prificient in some study.

well, today... today is the first day of the new millenium. and well, its not pissed me off so im peachy.

i ate mochi today, whoo-hoo! i like mochi. i espcially like it with kinako. thats some good shit man.

heh, erin called me today at like 12 or something telling me she just woke up. so she was all wasted like talking to me, so i made fun of her that she was drunk or stoned or something. kerin, you been hanging out with her?

well, i also watched iron chef and whose line is it anyway basically the other parts of the day. thats some good stuff.

hmm... what else did i do today? oh, i burned my first CD. im so proud of myself. all but the end of the CD works out too. i guess i can get it in a few more trys.

and damn... i ate a great ass freakin dinner. yum yum! i ate shrimp tempura and the other kind of shrimp... i dont know what its called. not that i really care cause i was too busy eating it. he he he... man, i scarfed those fuckers down man!

oh, and i went to go see the christmas lights at fort shafter and the State office building. not bad i guess.

and then, i came home... did my internet thing, and guess who called again? erin. she told me to call her in 20 minutes, so i did. guess what. she was wasted again. well, she wasnt wasted, but she was dead tired, so i like to say she was wasted cause it sounds funnier. he he he. im so mean to her no?

i had an epiphany today. love is like tetris. hear me out on this! okay, y'know how tetris has shapes and you dont really know what shape is next right? so you're forced to work with what you're dealt. just like love, you dont know what comes next, and when it happens, you have to work with it. but, of course the analogy can only go so far. obviously love is not a game as is tetris. but it makes sense right? if not, then you can just forget i said that. okay? okay.

oh, and thanks to jevon and blair for using the "year in review" format for your diaries. but i must give credit where credit is due. i got the idea from jenna. so jenna, you should be pretty damn happy with your SMALL ASS WANNA BE GHETTO self. :) immitation is the best form of flattery.

anyways, i go now. peaches.

Ghetto scene for the entry:

today, there was a partty next door to my appartment. there were god knows how many big samoan dudes and dudets under a little hand made garagge. and they had the music going, and the food was cooking and the beer was going round... well, i dont know about the last two, but yeah. it was a ghetto scene.

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