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2001-01-03 - 02:55:25

argh... remind me to never go out w/ blair guys again. or wait, let me rephrase that. plan to go out with blair guys again. this is the plentyeth time she hasnt showed up.

she called asking if me and erin wanted to do something today w/ her and her boy toy. so, i was talking to her at the time already and so i asked her. well, in the end we had planned on blair and her boy toy picking us up and going to a mall of some sort at a location we had not planned upon. so yeah, we agreed. and then blair said that her and her boy toy would pick us up a little after 1. so yeah, i told that to erin and then erin kinda had to meet somewhere cause she had to get out of her grandmas house.

so i told erin i'd meet her at booth park so that blair and her boy toy could come pick us both up at the same place cause i expected them to come soon. so i walked there and met her at 130. and so we're there waiting till like 2 something waiting for them to call saying they're gonna meet. then, guess what. her boy toy has to pick up his sister at the airport. so erin and i walk back to my house to wait for them cause its gonna be a while eh?

so yeah... and then we're walking back and blair says they cant find the gate. fuck. more time to wait for them.

so me and erin are at my house watching TV waiting for them to call saying they're comming to pick us up. and then 4:00 rolls around and they still havent called, and erin's getting picked up at ala moana at 5 so we decided to walk down to ala moana so she can meet her parents.

so we're walking and i still havent heard from blair. we get there at about 430 and we still havent heard from them about what the fucks going on about the day.

5:00 rolls around and erin gets picked up. her mom and dad offered me a ride home, but i had to maintain the white lie that im still w/ blair (no joey cause erin didnt want her mom to think it was a double date). so yeah, i had to turn it down... frick. and so im walking around waiting for them to call. i decided frick this when i end up buying Cypress Hill- Live at the Fillmore. so i ended up walking home. so i logged quite a lot of millage on my legs today. and even when im at home, blair didnt call to say that she wasnt gonna be able to pick us up. what the fuck, y'know?

ugh... that was pretty much my day. waiting for blair and her boy toy to pick the two of us up, but never getting that ride.

man, i do way too much walking w/ erin. all we do is walk every where. rarely do we catch rides. lets see... out of the few times that we've been out together, we've had one ride on the bus, one ride from regina's sister, one ride from dane's sisters boyfriend, and one ride from regina's mom (not in chronological order). the rest of the time we've walked. lets see... we've walked to ala moana from regina's house once; to ala moana from my house once; to my house from booth park once; to regina's house from roosevelt once; to her grandma's house from ala moana once; and to subway and back from roosevelt once. so that last one wasnt very far, but all those times from and to ala moana is a short distance, but it can be hell on ones bad knees. not to mention i was fast walking to booth park today trying to get there inside of 30 minutes, so i think i jarred my knees pretty bad, not to mention all the other walking back to my house, and to and from ala moana. i think i do way too much walking for a teenager. what do you think?

anyway, peaches.

CD to buy of the entry:

Cypress Hill- Live at the Fillmore

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