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2001-01-04 - 02:24:40

hmph, i talked to blair and blamed her all about yesterday. she couldnt defend herself. i feel better. i did my bitching thing to her. i just pointed at her and said shit like "you... you ditched us to go fuck your boy toy!" or "you... you ditched us and didnt even give us a courtesy call!" something like that. she couldnt fight it. too good.

oh, but freakin blair. in peer ed we had to say something about the year that we liked. so blair's like "oh, i know what ryan's gonna say."

so of course i had to respond. i cant let myself be done over by blair! "so i said, well... blair, i think i know what your gonna say too..." in my sly, 'yeah, try me' voice. so we got into a whole war over it.

and, in the meantime, the whole class could hear the two of us arguing and curtis goes "oh, man... i like you two, you two are cool."

but freakin blair... i voluntered to go cause no one else was going. and then i go and then blair goes, "i think you forgot something, ryan."

again, i couldnt let blair one-up me, so i had to retort. "hey, blair, why dont you go? i know you have a lot to talk about. especially at the end of the year. right blair?!?!?!" by now everyone knows we're both hidding something.

but freakin blair, she again tries to one-up me, "hey, boss," she says, "ryan's got a girlfriend." *ouch*

y'know, the class heard what she said. and then, i decided, okay. enough is enough. "gee, blair... there's a lot i can say right now to challange you! BUT I WONT DO THAT BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE DIRTY!!!" and i stopped it right there. enough of that shit man. blair wants to play dirty... i'll let her do her little elementary school stuff.

blair... what will we do with you?

anyway... writting short entries is very unfulfilling to me. i dont like short entries. if i can read them without using the scroll up/down bar on the side of the page, its just... not worth it to me. i dont know, maybe im just fucked up (maybe? more like i am!).

what else? cypress hill. they still rock after four albums and a live one. i want to get the video of their Live at the Fillmore performance. i dont know, im just really into cypress hill now. plus, i want to buy the ratm Battle of Mexico DVD. im a freak for music. dont mind me.

oh yeah, jenna, i'm supposed to tell you that erin said that i'm an abbusive boyfriend. so she's looking to you for guidance since you seem to have taken the role of advising her on how to treat me. just thought i'd put that in for kicks.


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