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2001-01-05 - 04:42:39

he he he... i'm a bastard. well, i was always one, but now, i'm one in writting (i'd put a link here, but i dont know how and am too lazy to find out). if you want to, its at jenna's diary. she said that erin should: (1) "You could dump the bastard," (2) "You could also just kick him in the nuts," (3) "you could just threaten to kick him in the nuts," (4) "you might want to try smacking him around a bit ... y'know, show him who's boss," (5) "Do one of your wrestling moves on him .. er, if you are in wrestling that is," and (6) what jenna would do: "I'd smack him back, personally."

those were jenna's ways to handle an abussive boyfriend.

hmm... well, today, ms. nagata laughed at how i folded my note to erin. doesnt bother me too much though. i do it all for the laughs.

uhm... in rotc, now this is interesting. maj. kimura assigned us the task of writting an essay about how rotc has helped us develop character, and then we got started on talking about why it couldnt "how rotc has helped us develop as a cartoon character." this got fun. we eventually decided that daryl would be the dog in the warner brothers cartoon that doesnt have any feet or anything, it just glides across the floor and when it wants to turn around, it's head just pops out of the other end. matt fung is either kermit the frog, the mole man, or barney rubble. leo is george jetson. tiffany roloos is lucy from peanuts. that was the major's suggestion, which fits so perfectly too i think. and im daffy duck. major thinks i could be schroder from peanuts if i could transfer my riflery skills to the piano. i doubt thats gonna happen anytime soon.

as for the journal entry in lusks class today, i chose a leech. it fits me, dont you think so kim and jenna and mike and everyone else?

uh... peer ed. nothing. oh wait, i set up mrs. akamine's email account for her.

hmm... what else?

period 5. me, blair, janie, and shannon spent the whole period behind boss's desk at her computer. freaks eh? oh yeah, i also did her grade book for her.

period 6 i just fell asleep and got away with it for once.

after school. boy, this got interesting. i went around the school with erin. and so we went to rachel's class so she could do her chem test. she said she'd be done real fast. guess how long it took. so long it escapes me. all i know is that it wasnt fast like she said it would be. and then, after that, rachel and kelly got into a verbal fight on the track when i went down to the rotc room to get my bag. so that took another god knows how long. oh well, i talked to jevon and yusef. and deyson pissed off kelly by interupting their little bitchfest 2001. doesn't quite have the ring to it as bitchefst 2000. oh well. hmm. so yeah, that was pretty much my day.

i like frozen peaches. do you?


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