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2001-01-07 - 02:33:43

whew... erin talked to me tonight. so yeah, we worked it all out, and now we're back to degrading eachother in a loving manner. kinda like all my other friends, only i make fun of her and mean it. :) no, not really. but anyway, i should shut up now...

anyway. i had an early day. i had to go to a seat belt saftey conference for local schools. it was mostly jrotc people there, but had some others too yeah... anyway, it was pretty lame, they had it at the best western, which by the way had really bad food. they served ham, eggs, toast, and rice and didnt even put out ketchup! oh well... the toast and the rice was good. but im not sure how you could really f-up toast. but im sure i could find a way...

moving on, the conference started at like 9 i think and ended at 12. it was pretty lame. and i slept as much as possible, which was about 20 minutes. and this one guy who asked for fast music turned down my rage against the machine for mc hammer! *ouch* i felt hurt.

well, when we came back w/ sgt. koki, he left his keys in the rotc room, and it was locked, so i had to go up to the gym and ask coach ross (the grouchy dude) to borrow his keys. i dont really like him, he's always salty and shit. and when i saw erin, she just looked at me funny, cause she was there for wrestling, and well, yeah. she was shocked to see me. but i maintained my professionalism and yeah. i got the keys and returned them and everything. so it was all good. mission accomplished.

and then i slept all afternoon cause i was really tired. i still am tired. but hey, who cares y'know?

oh yeah, i heard quite a few good songs today. i heard "renegades of funk" for the first time on the radio since dec. 7th when it was released. i also heard "peaches" by the presidents of the united states of america for the first time in a while. and as luck would have it, erin had asked me why i use that phrase when ever i end a letter or something, and i explained to her the song and how i liked it and all, and then the song came on, and she had never heard of it before, so isnt she lucky eh? okay... i just confused you all, but. oh well. tuff nuggets for you.

okay, im going now, peaches.

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