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2001-01-08 - 02:45:16

because i'm a spiteful sonuvabitch, i'm going to answer yusef's question.

"do you find it emotionally gratifying to write in these online diaries?"

hmm, i wouldn't say "gratfiying" because i think thats more the word i would associate with an intense orgasm. this diary serves more as a place where i will express my intense dislike towards people who do and do not read this diary. it also serves as a place where i make fun of people (blair) and let people know about other people's dirty little secrets, such as blair being a sex FIEND.

other than that, it really serves no true purpose to me.

what i do find gratifying, other than an intense orgasm, would be gettting intense reactions out of people. i enjoy seeing people spaz out or seeing people rant and rave (jenna's "abbusive boyfriend" entry would be an example of that). now thats fun.

anyway, on with the news.

i got a new microwave today, our old one broke a few days ago. she was 21 years old. she did us good. it was sad to see her go, but she was beyond her time. our new one is quite a bit smaller, not to mention a lot lighter and more powerful. infact, its 700W more powerful. shes a full 1300W strong and she has 1.2 cubic feet of space in her. i'm sure right about now jenna's getting somewhat salty that im constantly refering to a kitchen appliance as "her" or "she." if she were to write about this in her diary, i would be fairly ammused, but, due to her spitefulness, i doubt she will. or is that just a challenge to get her to write about it? one never really knows, do they?

well, yeah, that about rounds out my day. peaches.

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