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2001-01-09 - 03:43:40

not only am i an abusive boyfriend, but im just plain old mean. i wish bad things upon people. like eric driver, he hasnt been bothering me, nor has his walking cum stain friend, henry something or other, but i just dont like them. no, its no because they're caucasian and i'm a racist, cause im not. its just that they bother me with their presence. those bleached turds just piss me off at just the fact that they are freakin retarded. i dont know where this little rant came from, but i think i just felt like making another comment about myself being an abusive boyfriend.

yeah. i think i failed my vocab test today, wish me luck.

oh, and ms. nagata is still laughing at me and erin. just thought i'd let you in on that.

hmm... more random thinking... i hate being in charge of a drill team. that just sucks when only freshmen and people who dont know the stuff join. not to mention cody santiago whos in special ed wants to join my team. and i cant really cut him because that'd be mean to someone who just doesnt have the mental capacity to learn the drill in the time i need him to. but ake on the other hand, i have no problems with cutting him cause i just dont like him. told you i was a mean person.

oh, yeah, and make sure you call blair a sex fiend. peaches.

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