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2001-01-10 - 03:26:31

just to set the record straight, what blair refers to as "that neck sucking thing with shannon," is not as it sounds. today, in class, i asked shannon how long a hickey might last because a very dear friend of mine has given her bitch a few hickeys that have seemed to persist for quite some time now. and well, shannon told me about a week or so for the darker ones. she then said that you could get a hickey from pinches. now this enticed me to try something to be mean to erin. yes, i know what you're all saying, "ryan, you bastard! why are you so mean to her? she's such a sweetheart! you're such a bastard ryan! you're nothing but llama droppings!" but, hey. i gotta have my fun with her right?

so anyway, i told shannon, "hey, shannon! try it on my neck! i wanna see how well it works!" so, in the middle of psychology class, shannon is pinching my neck, giving me what looks like a hickey. i just start to laugh to myself (quietly albeit due to our fairly mean teacher). by the time we're done, it looks like a fairly convincing hickey at a distance.

so yeah. no, shannon was not sucking on my neck. no i do not have a real hickey. it was just blair trying to imagine shannon sucking on my neck to fulfil her sexual fiend fantasies of vouyerism. in other words blair, you like to watch people perform sexual acts unaware to them because you're kinky like that.

yes, my friends, blair is kinky. she likes to give head to her boy toy. she also likes to ditch people without so much as a courtesy call to tell them she will be ditching them!

hmm... i dont remember what else i was going to write here.

fuck. i dont want to go do human service tomorrow at IHS. fuck. i dont really have respect for some of those people. especially the ones who go there because they dont really want to work. i dont know. i'm just salty that they can make a living off of honest (even fewer), hard working (some anyway) citizens. but, then again. what are we teenagers? eh. i just have a stereotype against bums. like i've said, im evil.

oh yeah, im gonna fail my math final tomorrow. just thought i'd let you in on that.

speaking of grades, for the second quater straight, im getting the lowest b possible. ms. lusk is none to happy that i take a sense of pride in that. i told her its because i like to live life on the edge. she doesnt find that humorous like the rest of the class does. i dont know why? it was rather funny at the time being, what with my hand motions and all.

okay. im tired. i think i'll be going. peaches.

p.s. f.y.i.: blair's grammar sucks

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