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2001-01-11 - 03:02:41

shannon is funny. she saw me today after school and went half-ballistic on me for saying that she gave me a hickey in psych class yesterday. keith was there too and he was just laughing at shannon with me. the funny part is, shannon got keith to scream like a girl when she pinched him to try and replicate what she did to me. but she's still none to happy about me telling everyone about it.

hmm... what else...

oh yeah, i was trying to get jenna to call me "llama droppings" today. but she refuses to under the claim that i dont piss her off and that i'm cool. i have my doubts. but either way, we were talking to ms. teruya about stupid people during lunch today. it was the first time we've talked in a while. it was fun. jenna's cool.

moving along...

erin got pissed at me today. not really, but i just thought that'd catch your attention better than saying "i was talking to deyson and leo instead of erin today." well, after school, i went to go hang out with the freshmen cause i was following erin around, and so while i was there, deyson and leo came along and i ended up talking to them more than her. leo is rather interesting. he was able to fit his shoes while wearing them into erin's sandals. albeit with a little bit of adjustment the straps, but hey, who asked? and so yes, she was small kine piss off, but its all good.

alright, that's it for this entry, so fuck off. peaches.

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