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2001-01-17 - 03:57:17

Man... eric is just pissing me off more and more, i really wish i could beat the living snot out of him. but oh well, it'll come sooner or later at my hands or those of anothers.

i hate being the S-3. jason hirata- last years S-3- really fucked up the master training schedule. he completely forgot five hours of instruction which messes up the hour totals of the other weeks, which means i have to create hours to make my numbers work out so i dont look like a dumb ass. oh well... i can lie pretty well.

today was the pajama day. walking around in sweats can get pretty warm. tomorrow is gender bender day. i'm supposed to trade clothes with erin. we'll see how it works out. everyone else says that its not fair cause she's a tom boy. hey, more power to her if thats the case. if you ask me, shes still a girl under the clothes, and thats what really counts. you dont fuck clothes buddy. just like you dont fuck a personality as brian hoole told me in my freshmen year. immortal words, from a mortal man.

i'd just like to point out that i have been answered about the chest question by three females. i have come to the conclussion that a female may be able to do the chest bump in question if she hits above the sensitive area which is the nipple and surrounding region. if a female is able to bump in the upper region, she should be fine. but to a medium to large breasted woman, that would be fairly difficult, so therefore, it is my conclussion that this is why the majority of females do not do the chest bump, if any at all. your answers are still welcome though, as they may provide further enlightenment. oh yeah, and i like to hear/read chicks using dirty language. ;)

with this, i leave with the immortal words of Brian Hoole:

"You don't fuck a personality."

Previously on - Currentlier

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