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2001-01-18 - 03:03:22

training schedules suck. just thought i'd point that out.

i'm really tired, and i slept a hella lot today. dont know why either.

my leg has fallen asleep on me, that sucks ass.

i wore erin's and tiffany roloos' clothes today. i rather liked wearing erin's shirt. it was really soft. now dont get me wrong. i still prefer men's clothing and i dont go prancing around the house in womens undergarmets. but i'm just saying that women's clothes are really soft. but i dont understand how they can wear skirts. i couldnt get comfortable in the damn fucker. oh, just as a note: today was gender bender day for the school, so i dont go to school wearing female clothes just for fun.

erin wore my clothes today. she rather liked wearing guy clothes. very comfortable. you can spread your legs without worry wearing long pants. i learned that when i changed at lunch. i couldnt stand wearing female clothes anymore once i hit fourth period. erin actually matched my clothes somewhat, except for the fact that she was wearing sandals which dont work with my clothes. you kinda have to wear shoes with long pants or you look stupid. just thought i'd point that out.

my phone bill came today, i went $25.83 over my limit. that kinda pissed me off. oh well. some people just learn the hard way.

i called homeless people monkeys in peer ed today, i think that kinda pissed off boss. when she asked me how i felt looking at the homeless people at IHS last week, i said "it is like a zoo, only thing is the monkeys look back." and kristin kato agreed with me. but i dont think boss really agreed with me calling them monkeys. oh well, t.s. i dont care what she thinks to tell the truth. peer ed sucks. too much false love and satisfaction going 'round for my taste.

Ryan's Fashion Tip o' the Entry:

When wearing long pants, wear shoes. Sandals and slippers just look stupid with long pants.

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