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2001-01-20 - 22:37:41

y'know why i didnt update last night? because i was fuckin wasted like a shit head. no, i wasnt drinking or having sex or stoned etc. all though the second two might've been pretty fun (hmm... note for later: have sex and get stoned). i was just really tired. thats all there is to it.

oh yeah, this guy i met a few years ago as part of an exchange is over at my house, therefore keeping me from doing too much fun stuff. he's using my room, i'm sleeping in the living room on the couch or the floor. i rather enjoy sleeping in my bedroom and i miss it. it has all my stuff in it. not to mention a bed and pillows and what-not.

anyway, yesterday, i was at a drill day for rotc to practice for the drill meet that was today. we got a lot better in the period of 3 hours. but we still sucked as was demonstrated today. but more on that later.

after the drill practice, i went walking around makiki with erin till we decided to just go chill at my house. i showed her her picture on the internet and she got scared. she looked last years year book for a while too. we ate a popsicle also. she likes popsicles. no wonder i love her. oh yeah, she also made me promise not to be all pissy at my mother, so i made her do the same.

!@#$%^&*()_++_)(*&^%$$$##@@!@#$%^&*()+_)(*&^%$#!@#$%^&*=-+# today i went to a drill meet at kaimuki. it was junk because it was hot and dusty. not to mention i was all aprehensive about forgetting my commands all day. but we went just about last so i had time to get my nerves together. man, i tell you, being in charge of a drill team is a bitch on the nerves if you're like me. i've been in charge of a team before- inspection team- but that was a different story; all we do is stand there and look pretty.

this drill team was different, i had to remember commands, have people do things a certain way etc. and so forth and so on. it was hell. i was stressing and spazzing... oy...

but when we competed, we had a bunch of small things, and two big things. i opted not to call a command instead of running into the judge at the end, and tiffany called a command late. so yeah... thats why we didnt do so well. turd. i didnt expect to win... but it would've been so nice to win something. just to spite leleihua is probably why i'd like to win. i really dont like them, they suck penis. FUCK YOU LELEIHUA!

yeah, i'll end on that note. peaches.

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