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2001-01-24 - 03:04:30

wow... i havent updated since what? saturday afternoon? thats a really long time for me, yeah? i think so. lets see... today is tuesday... someone do the math for me. two and a half days or something like that.

well, lets start from the begining shall we?

sunday i went to a hawaiian games thing. you see, tiffany roloos's mom works at kccn, and they were sponsoring a team, so they got us rotc freaks to participate. so kyle yamamoto, jared imoto, cherise okikawa, deyson cariaga, tiffany roloos, and myself participated while robert doi and eric fugishitsack watched our shit and stuff like that. there were all kinds of games that we just couldnt do. we ended up with 6 points total. out of more than 30. infact, we were dead last. yup. oh, and then we also found out that there was a paddling event. so we formed a team and got our asses whooped. but hey, it was good fun paddling in water that people dont even touch (the ala wai). i like paddling.

anyway, that night was the peer ed parent night. what a crock of shit. thats all i have to say about it. it was a crock of shit. i just did not enjoy all the tears. people were crying left and right and up and down and every which way. and then, there was blair, joey, and me. dry eyed and lookin' round to see what the fuckin' deal was. i just dont know why... but. it was fucked up.

and then monday. i got up early and went to go meet erin at booth park. yep, walkin' early in the morning. 720 i left the house. i shouldnt have been up anywhere near that time and there i was getting exercise. but it was worth it. so yeah, we spent the day together doing all sorts of things. watching movies, eating skittles, watching mtv, sleeping. yeah. lots of fun shit. i'd say the eat skittles was the best part. i love skittles, dont you? and then i walked her part way to wrestling practice till her brother drove by. i'm kinda scared of him tearing me limb from limb because according to the people i know that know him, he damn well can. plus he's got friends who can do that too. and if worse comes to worse, he can run me over in a car. so yeah... i really have to watch my step. its like dancing in a mine field going out with his sister. really gotta watch my step. so scared...

tuesday... stressin out about the S-3. i'm caught up in my training schedules, infact, im one week ahead of the three weeks i need to be, so in effect, im good on that note. i also got the TV bulletin board to work. but, what i dont have going for me, is all the files i need to sort out. i have to keep track of stuff two years old. plus last years and this years shit. that adds up to a thick stack of papers to be measured in inches. inches in excess of three inches. thats a lot of fuckin paper when you think about it. plus i need to get a briefing ready and memorize it, make my uniform all pretty pretty, get my homework done, and let deyson and reece know about an upcomming drill team exhibition for another japanese high school in a little more than half a month. that last part aint too much, but it's still something. oh god... i hate my job. oh well, i dont gotta like it, i just gotta do it. so much for being rebelious. fuck it all.

i go. peaches.

Previously on - Currentlier

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