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2001-01-27 - 04:05:24

man... i've been really freakin tired all day long. maybe its because this is the second day in a row i've been in school before the sun has even come over the horizon? oh well. i'll just say thats the reason for it. or maybe its just part of the reason. maybe the stress thing is playing into it too. i know i've been under a lot of stress, and stress makes ryan tired. yeah, ryan's going to be experiencing a lot more stress until monday is over. maybe i'll try and steal away erin for a while after monday is done. do my little sexual predator things that makes teachers wonder... no, i wouldnt do that to her. especially because of what jenna told her to do. reference back to jenna's diary. yeah...

hmph... i'm just really tired today. i even contemplated not comming on line. oh well... i'm here cause i'm an addict.

i like popsicles. they're yummy. nothing like frozen sugar water.

oh man... the thing is on monday, i've practiced once. and that wasnt even a serious practice. shit. and god... i need to have it perfect by tomorrow end time. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

shoot me now.

okay. i go now before i completely loose it.


Previously on - Currentlier

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