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2001-02-07 - 03:09:28

hmm... well, let see... erin was pretty much angry at me all day, well, not really, but she tried to be angry. but y'know, you just cant stay angry at me because i dont catch on and you kinda just figure, "this dumbass isnt gonna learn. why waste my energy?" so, yeah. she tried and tried and tried all day, but it didnt work. so ha! showed you!

and i got all my paper work for the S-3 done for the next month and a half to two months. lets just put it this way, everything up until march 10th is pretty much set in stone. when i finished, i had been doing paper work all morning and so i didnt know what to do with myself when i finished, so i ended up talking to major about something or other.

oh, i was supposed to go watch leo play in intramurals today, but brian didnt want to walk to the gym, that jerk off... he is so freakin' lucky for something non-sexual that i did for him. fuckin' jerk off.

lets see.... what else?

oh, i saved erin's life today. pretty much litterally. i was walking her to basketball practice today, and we were crossing prospect street infront of stevnson, and she was telling me that i could go, but i told her, no, thats alright and that i'd walk her across the street. and she kept telling me to go, and just as she stepped out into the street i pulled her back seeing an oncoming car that would've made her go splat like road kill. i saved her life! i feel all special. i think that redeems me for her being mad at me for not seeing her this morning.

yeah, so thats that. fuck you too!

Previously on - Currentlier

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