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2001-02-08 - 02:42:55


yes people, i am tired. very tired. and i havent even touched my math homework thats due on friday which i should do because i have a test comming up soon... and i dont understand this stuff too much either. i hate factoring. why must i be cursed with the inability to understand math?

oh... i have P.T. tomorrow. thats always good. i like having P.T. physical training. not toilet paper backwards. i think we're gonna play basketball, so thats cool. maybe i'll make more than one-in-seven shots or something as my ratio?

i like warm milk or cocoa. its good on a cold night.

speaking of cold. i was wearing gloves today. people just looked at me weird. infact, fuckin' oki got me in trouble today in english. i was putting my gloves on and he started to laugh at me, and then lusk yelled at me instead! what the fuck? i wasn't doing anything and she fuckin' bitched me out!

speaking of that dirty bitch, she bitched me out for asking her if i could play the part of a male next time in macbeth. she made me read the third witch. and then later on, in maybe three or four scenes later, i voluntered to read duncan's part, and she just fucking shafted me! even after no one voluntered to read his part and lehua said that i wanted to do it! she gave it ryan shinoyama. i got nothing against him, but i wanted to be duncan after reading the stupid third witch with fervor. i better have gotten some fuckin' extra credit. and to think she let the girls have multiple parts but not me... stupid ugly dirty bitch whore lover.

Previously on - Currentlier

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