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2001-02-15 - 02:40:48

i got one edition of rap superstar. it has DMX, Mobb Deep, Nas, and Snoop Dogg. but what i really want is the version with Eminem. i almost downloaded it today. it was at 99% and then... transfer error! fuck me man! pissed me off.

yeah, its valentine's day, and what do i talk about first? how napster doesnt like me. shows my priorites. well, either way. today was pretty much like any other day to tell the truth. well, except for the wind and rain. but yeah, what ever. y'know, the trade winds were 20-35 mph. tomorrow they're supposed to be 20-30 only, so we get a break tomorrow! oh cheers!

i like my gift from erin. yep, just thought i'd share.

today we had to do partners projects for peer ed. i basically avoided doing anything for it. i dont like to work with the special ed guys. its kinda immature of me, but i just dont like it. i dont work well with people like them. i think i tend to underestimate their abilities to do anything, so i dotn work well with them. yeah. but i got off with it. boss sent me to go do her paper work. now thats something im not too bad at.

oh, while i was down there i was talking to jevon. i was #1 on his iFlurtz thing. something like 98% or something. it was pretty cool.

YES! SUCCESS! I got the Eminem version of Rap Superstar! whoo-hoo! i feel like a king. :)

i play basketball tomorrow in rotc. oh joy... well, maybe not because the courts might be wet. we might just run. thats fine with me too. i kinda want to run because i need to. i'm fairly outta shape. yep.

alright, i'm outta shit to say, so i'm out.

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