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2001-02-16 - 02:52:15

man, last night, or this morning, what ever, i hardly slept. i got a total of 2 hours of sleep yesterday to today. well, with 2-5 minute cat naps through out the later part of the day. yeah... those are fairly good energizers.

i dont know why i couldnt sleep last night. so i made the most of it, i went online and d/l songs off of napster. yep. net freak am i.

y'know, i was by erin today at lunch, and i was also conversing with her friends whom i have become aquaintances with, and well, its a gigantic soap opera. something about this boy and that girl and another boy... or something like that... its really confussing and i kinda prefer to maintain my annonimity in their circle. but thats kinda going away... damn. oh well.

i love cypress hill. they fuckin kick ass bitch.

okay, get this. according to tiff roloos and deyson, i'm not allowed to dr. greenthumb because i dont smoke pot. oh well, i dont listen to them anyway.

hmm... today i was playing basketball in rotc. well, not really, all we were doing was fucking around. and well, tiffany was really getting on my nerves but i couldnt say anything because i just dont want to have to deal with her. shit. she was arguing with phuc about him making a few calls and then we doing so. she was calling him a cry baby. they both were. i wanted to tell the both of them to shut up, but y'know... sometimes its just better to keep your trap shut. that way it'll keep theirs shut a little bit more.

i'm tired. peaches.

Previously on - Currentlier

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