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2001-02-22 - 03:22:58

i got this mean ass set of cuts on my right pinky right at the base of it. its kinda sore, and it burned a little today when it was still fresh and for the most part still unclean. oh well, it was a neat burning/tingling sensation. and it was pretty much bleeding. and after school, i got at least one, maybe two more cuts. reece had one too, that was bleeding more than mine i think, but his was on a difficult move. so, his was more earned than mine.

other than that, math just took a turn for the worst. we're using long division again... only now, we're doing it with odd sets of numbers. and... i'm scared. i hate numbers.

i still have to shine my boots, and iron my uniform. i have a performance tomorrow. i like to drill, but, i want to do something different than giving performances to jap HS's cause they're so... so... most of them just dont really give a shit. the first ones we performed for, they were all girls so they were really impressed with us, they were "ooo-ing" and "aah-ing" at us for the smallest of thing, and it was really cool, but the other guys we did it for, they looked bored like "oh shit man, we can do that..." fuck you too ass holes.

oh wow, man... today was pretty cool. i was talking to erin, and then she had to go. so i was busy putting my ranks on my spring camp stuff, and then i hear the phone ring, so i asked my mom to answer it. so she answers it, "gee... i wonder who it could be?" and then i get the phone... "yellow?" it was erin... tamashiro! man! it blew my mind! me and erin havent really talked in ages! man, i missed talking to her so much, but i figured she'd be busy a lot because shes active a lot yeah? so, i mean... i dont want to bother her and stuff. so, it was just cool having her call me. i still miss her a lot. i mean, she is one of my very best friends. it was great talking to her. dont get me wrong, i dont want to go out with her again or anything, its just that we hardly interact now days. its kinda sad, cause we are like best friends... its just, we're best friends who dont talk a lot. or do anything outside of the hallways... oy vey...

okay... today's jr. class day... that sucked ass. i'm sorry, but i dont think it went very smoothly. i'm really sorry, but it didnt. we shoulda had sign-ups instead maybe i'm just a butt and look for the bad, but it kinda didnt go smooth. and nobody picked good songs. no one tried to rap or anything. me and jenna were gonna go up there and do "intergalactic" by the beastie boys, but we didnt have time. we were kinda glad, but i kinda wanted to try my hand at it. oh well... i guess its for the better that i dont find out what i sound like.

alright... i'm leavin' now. adios.

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