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2001-03-03 - 03:13:07

hey... whats up my peeps?

okay, that was just awkward. i tried that whole "web speak" thing. it just doesnt work for me. man, tomorrow is going to be a really long day. i have something for rotc tomorrow morning, so that means my day starts at like 7:15 or so. and then i gotta go practice riflery for sunday. and then i have to go get ready for the frosh/soph. god damn. i hate busy days. i cant take it easy.


well, today... what happened today?

i got to wear the camoflague uniform. i love that thing. i feel so much more comfortable in it than i do in the class b uniform.

yeah... thats all about thats substantial for today. i'm gonna go crash now. g'nite mother fuckers.

Previously on - Currentlier

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