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2001-03-05 - 02:41:56

hey, yo. wassup y'all?

i just felt like saying "hey, yo." the second part just kinda flowed out. ya' heard?

well, i didnt update yesterday because i was at the frosh/soph and when i got home, i was kinda busy and didnt feel like updating. not that it matters to me that you motherfuckers feel dissapointed at me.

well... snice you ask "how was the frosh/soph?" i will tell you like what i told erin tamashiro. the food sucked, the music didnt spin tracks that i like, but the company was great (i.e. erin tagomori). man, it didnt start off to great though.

we got into a minor fight where she wouldn't even look at me, and if she did then she'd walk away REALLY fast. but it got okay after i took her aside and talked and appologized to her. it was over her hair. she had her hair down, like i always ask her to put it, and everyone was commenting on how pretty she looked with her hair down, so i was kinda rubbing it in... i guess a little too much. so yeah...

after that it was all good. we were mostly wall flowers for the most part. actually, for the whole of it we were wall flowers. except when dae won came by us and made us dance.

oh, and the seating chart was all fucked. they had planned on 10 people per table, but the hotel set it for only 8. so they orginally moved erin and i to the faculty/chaperone table, but ms. matsunaga was able to get us a seat on another table, so it was all good.

but, the ride home was actually the most fun part for me. :) he he he... i caught a ride home with erin's parents, and well, y'all know about the ban on our relationship right? well, if you dont, you sorta do now. so, anyway. erin and i were in her parents car, when she decides "aw, what the fuck" and rests her head on me. so, i decide, "okay, fuck the parents." and then i hold her hand. oh, i forgot to mention that she has my overshirt too. so yeah, shes holding my hand with my overshirt on too, so i think her parents can kinda tell somethings going on now. and well yeah, we're like constantly staring at eachother and then she does that "come hither" thing with her hand and in her eyes. so i lean towards her expecting to hear her say something, and then she kisses me on the cheek. just then her father decides to tell her about "guess what mom and dad did today?" and well, anytime me and her got close for the rest of the ride home, another "guess what mom and dad blah blah blah..." i found it ammusing. i think erin did too. of course her mom and dad wouldn't yell at her in the car with me there, but i heard she got smoked after they dropped me off. i figure it was all worth it for erin cause she wouldnt stop with it even though she caught on. she was kinda sorta using me. but oh well, cause it works for me too. oh, yeah, we also have a running joke that our song is "killing in the name of" by rage against the machine for one part of the song where zach keeps saying "fuck you, i wont do what you tell me," cause thats kinda whats up with me and erin. we dont listen to anyone really. i mouthed that to her and she understood and smiled and laughed. we also both traded that look and looked at her parents too.

today, i went to a riflery match. man, i was the ABSOLUTE worst shot there. i had the lowest score by 40 points or something. oh well... fuck it. man, you should've seen some of the stuff that the other guys were shooting. they had two things going on. one was a precission class match, the other was a sporter- the one i was in. the precission class was nuts! they had these $1500 rifles that are CO2 powered. and holy shit man! they were fuckin' nuts!

yeah... that was pretty much my day. so fuck off.

Previously on - Currentlier

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