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2001-03-06 - 03:13:40


i almost died today. not litterally, but... yeah.

i forgot my three assignments for english at home. the catch is, they were some of the biggest assignments there are. the opera write up and my book report. oh, not to mention my vocab. so i had to re-do my vocab and opera write up in period 2 and i had my mom drop off my set of disks to let me print up the copies of the book report. so yeah... i was saved.

but frick man... i was so wasted today... yeah.

and i had to go to my pshrink today. that really bites. i dont like going to him, and i make it clear that i dont really see a purpose of going to a pshirnk. i'd rather talk to my friends and i tell him that. so yeah.

and in period 5, amy said i have a nice smile... too bad it was wasted on such an attitude. i laughed. doesnt quite matter to me what she thinks.

okay. go away now.

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