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2001-03-07 - 02:46:20

ah shit.

i gotta re-do my platoon drill sequence because i screwed up on something like 8 commands out of 50. fuck rotc man. stupid fucking koki wanna be a bitch.

oh, and math. fuck math too. man, my brain is all fried because i tried to do my math hw. fuck, i was working for close to 2 hours straight and i did something like 10 or 12 problems because i'm stupid and cant fully grasp algebra 1. but lusk's class wasnt too bad. me and mike just fucked around all period basically. we were staring at people and watching as they started to spaz out. i had fun doing that.

oh, yeah. i even went to go watch intramurals today. i left the comfort of where the trolls dwell (the rotc room). leo's team, lost to the faculty in the championship game. oh well, i'd only heard good stuff about the faculty.

man. i'm getting stressed out about rotc now. the fucking drill meet is just growing and god damn. i've gotta prep for my inspection team, but i also need to practice for the facsimile team, and i gotta make sure that erin doesnt feel left out too. i hate my life right now. i need more sleep.

i go now.

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