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2001-03-08 - 02:52:09

�Qu� pasa?

did i spell that right? probably not. who gives a shit anyway?

anyway. i spent 45 minutes doing a math problem this morning... only to get it wrong. shit. i hate math. not to mention its fairly easy math (algebra 1).


i got my new headphones today. i was so pleased with myself. sharper image called me because i had them reserved and they promised to call when the shipment came in. so yep, they called and i couldnt wait to get them. hell, the promise of getting them woke me from my slumber. i was very pleased. they dont have that band that holds em together like the sport kine do, but they're also not the type that goes into your ears. they hook right on to your ear. i thought that was nifty so i had to buy them.

oh, i passed my platoon drill. i was very pleased with myself.

hmm... what else.

i quit the drill team. i honestly cant be on it. i just dont have the time anymore. i mean it. man... i really need my mornings to do my math hw. cause in school, i can get help. which i really need. and so, yeah.

the thing with the class day... yeah. that blew. it wasnt all that long. oh well. it was funny watching fred rip his prize to pieces. oh, and kyle struggling to open his. but, the special ed kids dancing was disturbing. i was hoping the teacher known as takaki would stop them due to their lewd movements. but, she didnt. doom on her man... doom on her!!! bad ju ju!!!

go away.

Previously on - Currentlier

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