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2001-03-09 - 02:52:19

i went to the JV girls game today. erin played a WHOLE 3 minutes. yep... stupid bitch JV Girls coach only plays the same 7 people... the rest of the team goes in when nothings gonna happen. and then they get limited minutes. shes a stupid bitch.

but damn... the girls Vars is good. shit man, i mean, they only beat millilani by what? 18 points. at one point they had a 30 point lead though... shit, millilani ALMOST beat them (bleeding sarcasm).

but, oh shit man... i think dae won is really pissed at me. for real kine pissed man. cause i quit the drill team, and i told him its cause i wanted to get more help w/ my math, and then he saw me walking in the cafeteria w/ erin. so i guess he thinks i'm lying to him. but shit man. y'know what? fuck it i didnt wanna do it in the first place. and shit he screwed me over for inspection team. he told me he wanted to take it and then he gave it back to me at the begining of the week. so shit man.

i wonder how tomorrows gonna go?

shit... i still need to get my team ready. i dont want to though. but i guess i have to. thats gonna be a bitch.

oh. i went out w/ jenna and kerin today. that was fun. we went to jack in the box. i haven't done anything w/ them for a long time. it was a trip down memory lane.

erin's dad is pretty knowledgeble on sports things. he really knows his basketball. i mean, on first look of him, he really doesnt look the type, but if you listen to him speak, he knows his shit. i wonder if he knows riflery...?

go away now.

Previously on - Currentlier

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