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2001-03-18 - 03:19:10

i went to the OIA drug awareness workshop today. i dont think i learned a thing from it. oh well. its all good. the bento wasnt that bad. i mean the tonkatsu sauce and the chicken katsu wasnt that great, but there was plenty else and it was free, so eh...

i also went to go see "enemy at the gates" today, that was an okay movie. i was hoping more in the way of the snipers doing battle, but it didnt really have too much. like, more shooting and watching how he does his sniper business... but they didnt. the love portion of the story was... eh. i mean, they had one sex scene, but they didnt show anything except for rachel weize's ass. is that how you spell her name? is that even her first name? oh well. i was hoping to see more of her when they were having sex. but no. they just had the main character humping her under a blanket. damn. nah, i'm just kidding. the sex scene was unnecessary. i wanted more sniper, less love.

maybe i'm just crazy?


yeah, y'know, on the way to the theater, it was a trip down memory lane. i kept thinking "gee, this seems a lot like going to pick up erin (tamashiro) on sunday mornings to go watch a movie together." man, i miss doing things with her. oh well, when we're both free we're supposed to go out and do something for old times sake.

Previously on - Currentlier

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